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Her mouth fell open in shock. "You, you're the man from my dream, I dreamt of you... Okay, that sounds a little creepy, but I had a vision of my death in the future and you were there - and you're from the future."

His head snapped up. "Your death?"

"Yes." He spun around to face her, though still not fully looking at her. "You know it?"

He swallowed hard, looking at the floor. "Yes."

This couldn't all be a coincidence, it worked out too well to be one. "When did you travel here, to this year?" she asked.

"A couple of nights ago."

"So that's what triggered the vision." It was all piecing together now... The same had happened when Apocalypse had awoken centuries later, her past connecting with her present, a man out of his time. And now this was her future connecting with her present... And this man was also out of his time. Both had caused a rift in their respective timelines, triggering her visions.

"How much do you know?" he asked softly, still not looking at her. It was starting to get on her nerves.

"Well, there's a fire... You're there. And I'm afraid..." She looked up at him. "Is that right?" Now he stood and turned his whole body away. "Is that why you're here? To warn me about it?"

"To stop it, prevent it from ever happening."

"How are you going to do that?"

"By taking out the man who kills you."

"But-" Then it clicked. "The child, he's my murderer? My future murderer?"

He nodded, back still to her. "He grows up to become a killer, and not just of you, but of many."

"B-but, why? Why are you so hell-bent on killing him?"

"Other than the fact that he kills you?" His voice had hardened, growing defensive. She saw his shadow tense.

"So as my future friend you're trying to stop my murder?"

A pause. "Yes."

Now it was her turn to pause. "But that's not all. I'm sensing something more, a deeper reason."

"Does there have to be one?" Now he sounded annoyed. This only frustrated and confused her more.

"I'm just trying to understand! I'm getting rather mixed messages here. If we're so close in the future, then why won't you look at me?" He didn't answer, but made a point of looking away again, again catching himself looking at her. She blew her bangs out of her eyes frustratedly. Just as they seemed to be making progress, he shied away again. But she was still missing something here, something big, something crucial.

He chuckled, startling her. "You do that in the future too, when you're annoyed or frustrated. Blow your hair out of your face. You do it a lot around me." A small smile graced his lips. A somewhat sad smile, she noted.

"But why me, why does he kill me? Do I do something?"

"Not you, me. I do something to piss him off and he goes after you."

"He goes after me to get to you?" she clarified. "Why? Why me? That still doesn't answer my question."

His smile instantly fell. "I'm not sure you'd believe me if I told you-"

"Oh yeah? Try me, Future-boy."

He gave another chuckle, this one a half-chuckle. "Or I'm worried you might not want to believe me."

Past, Present, Future - Cable, Deadpool 2Where stories live. Discover now