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Following the longest car ride ever-


Dopinder slammed on the breaks and the car screeched to a halt in front of the mansion. Nina had managed to drown out Wade's undying chattering and had just been dozing off - her head resting on Nathan's shoulder. Geez, fate really was trying to push them together. "Oh, we're home."

They had arrived back at the mansion. Wade promptly got out of the car and began playing music from his phone to try and persuade Colossus to forgive him and join them, recruit the 'back up' he had spoken of earlier. Colossus, however, wasn't having any of it.

"Colossus? I know you're in there!" Nothing. "Fine! Be that way then! You know what? Sometimes, doing the right thing is messy, and fucked up, and not particularly convenient, but you do it anyways cause it's the right thing to do!"

"Nicely said!" commented Nina.

"Why thank you!" Wade turned back to yelling at Colossus. "So you stay here in Chateau de Virgin while we go get our fuck on!" On that note, Wade headed back to the car, only to find he'd locked himself out.

"You're doing great," said Domino, peeking out of the window.

"Did you just call the mansion 'Chateau de Virgin'?" Nina asked as Wade climbed back into the car and Dopinder pulled away.

"Sure did. You got a problem with that?"

"Yeah, I do, actually. Not all X-Men are virgins."

Wade gasped. "Shorty!"

"I didn't say I'm speaking from personal experience." She held up her hands in surrender. "I'm just saying."



Wade having not given Dopinder any notice at all, the cab driver made a sharp turn, the car squealing around the corner. Nina practically flew into Nathan's lap.

"Sorry!" Dopinder called.

"My bad!" added Wade. He was following directions - very terribly - on the cab's GPS to the orphanage where Russell was headed.

"You are terrible at giving directions," remarked Domino.

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Am not!"

"Why don't you let Domino take over, she's lucky," suggested Nina.

The other woman grinned. "Sure am!"

"Gettin' all cozy and cuddly back there, you two?" asked Wade.

It was only then that Nina realized she was still in Nathan's lap, their faces close. "Sorry..." She awkwardly slid back into the middle seat.

"Oh, he doesn't mind." If Wade's mask had eyebrows, they would be wiggling. "Do you, pirate-eye?" Nathan only glared back.

"Save it for the bedroom you two."

"Wade, I swear-"

"I thought you hated swearing."



"Time to make the chimichangas." Wade rubbed his hands together.

"I've got a good feeling about this," Domino declared, slamming the car door with purpose. They had just arrived at the orphanage.

"Okay, Luckypants."

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