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From where she was perched atop a building, Nina could make out the hulking, dark figure of the convoy snaking through the streets of downtown. Behind it she could just make out the red figure of Wade following behind a ways on what looked to be a scooter.

"He's on top of you... He's going in through the back... He's tearing you open... Oh God he's inside!" Wade was shouting over the radio about Cable, who was attacking the convoy. Nina could see the reflections of sunlight against his metal arm.

"You hear yourself, right?" demanded Wade's team member.

"Accidental double-entendres!"

"Yikes, bad time to come into this conversation." Nina had taken a communication device from the mansion and had already connected it to their channel.

She heard Wade gasp. "Shorty! You're here?! Wait, how did you know where to find us?"

"I just followed the mess. You know, keeping the death and injury count low-to-none is supposed to be part of the job." The road was already littered with many destroyed cars.

"Yeah... We're trying..."

"Maybe I can help with that. I'm here to take you up on your offer."

"Yay! Welcome to X-Force!"


"That's my team. Welcome aboard! Here, I'll fill you in: so there's a mutant kid in that convoy, and he's being hunted down by this super-cyber dude who's all like, 'I'm Cable, I'm from the future, and I like blowing shit up - HANDS OFF THAT KID!"

She jumped when Wade started yelling, obviously not meant for over the radio. "Hang in there, Doms! Okay, new plan: screw the original plan and do whatever you have to to stop Cable from killing that kid!"

Nina rolled her eyes. Great instruction, Team Leader. This was certainly different from what she was used to, fighting with the X-Men, but that didn't mean it couldn't work. "I'm heading in."

"Alrighty, see you soon!"

She waited until the convoy was passing under the building she was on before jumping down.

Call it fate, luck, or just pure, plain coincidence, but after phasing through the convoy's roof, she landed on someone.

And that someone was Cable.

He had just been about to shoot the woman in the black leather suit, who Nina assumed was Wade's team member who she had heard over the radio. Nina hit his shoulders and sent both of them crumbling to the convoy floor. She was a little embarrassed to say the least and scrambled to regain her footing.

"Well that was lucky! Thanks for droppin' in." The woman helped Nina to her feet. "I'm Domino."

"Nina. Nice to meet you, Domino."

"Likewise." The two women shook hands. "Is it just me, or did we just become, like, best friends?"

"No, I felt it too."

"Cool! Lucky us!" Domino beamed.

Cable was just getting to his feet. "You take the wheel, I'll deal with this?" Nina suggested.

"Deal." Domino headed back up to the driver's seat and regained control of the runaway truck.

"Nina." Nathan was now on his feet too, regarding her. "You're here."

"Yeah..." Honestly, she didn't know what to say. 'Hi, Future-husband and father of my future child' was maybe a bit much.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "After you left the other night I-"

Past, Present, Future - Cable, Deadpool 2Where stories live. Discover now