Probably shouldn't have done that

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The dinner had amazing food selections for an apocalypse. There was meat, corn, a salad, and some baked potatoes with green onions, and sour cream.  There was wine, and soda pop as well as water for beverages. Best meal i'd had in a long time. Dale was trying to convince my mother that Carl should be allowed to try wine. "Come on Lori it won't hurt him" i added. She gave me a warning look for calling her by her real name but i couldn't care less. "C'mon." Rick joined in convincing his wife. Sighing she gave in, and dale poured a small amount of wine in a cup for Carl. Everyone watched intently as my brother sipped from the cup. He scrunched his nose in disgust. "Ewe." He said, earning laughter all around the table. We thanked our host and we were having fun until Shane ruined it by asking why Jenner was the only one left leading into a tragic story.

        Everyone was either in their room, in the entertainment room, or trying to out drink Daryl which would be practically impossible. The guy had high tolerance for almost anything! Sighing i went into my room to see Glenn, Shane and Daryl taking swigs of wine. Of course all of them were drunk EXCEPT Daryl. He just chuckled and snickered at their drunk stages. Glenn stumbled out of the room carrying a beer bottle and Shane wrapped his arms around my waist. "Hey beautiful" he slurred.  Rolling my eyes i tried to push him off me. His breath smelt like a bar, and i scrunched my nose in disgust. He pulled me closer to him and slid his hands underneath my shirt. "Stop Your drunk."  His hands were no longer on my waist and i turned to see Daryl warning him to leave. "What are you going to do about it redneck?" Shane slurred, swinging at Daryl drunkenly. He threw him out of the door into the hallway. He slammed the door and i smiled slightly. "Thanks." He nodded and laid his head down on his cot turning himself away from me. i sighed and rummaged through my duffle bag and once i found a tank top and shorts I went into the bathroom and changed. i brushed my hair and put it into a high pony tail before exiting and laying down on a couch in the room. "Goodnight Daryl." I mumbled before slipping into darkness. 

        The next day I awoke to see Daryl still asleep i slipped out of the room careful not to wake him and walked to the dining hall. When i got there, i smelt, bacon that was simmering on a pan, and eggs. I laughed as i saw 95% of the group with a hang over, downing a pill to try to get rid of the vicious headache. "Dad are you hung over? Mum said you would be." Carl asked Rick as he entered the room sitting down next to him. "Mom is right." Glenn sat hunched over with a water glass and he held his spoon while groaning.  "Don't ever, ever let me drink again." Daryl chuckledat Glenn's state as he strolled in and grabbed some breakfast. He sat beside me at the back while everyone chatted. Everyone grew silent as Shane walked in. "Do you feel as bad as me?" Rick asked.  Shane didn't't make eye contact but he responded. "worse." He sat down across from me and he glared at me. "We ain't't done." He mouthed when no one else was looking. I looked down and continued eating.

        After everyone ate , Jenner showed us what happens when someone gets infected and the stages the body goes through. "So what is it?" I asked.  He shrugged his shoulders and slipped on his white lab coat on, and started walking away. "You don't know how can you not know?" Rick  pushed.  "All the facilities shut down everyone was running!" He spat. "Why did you stay?!" Rick asked. i could tell he was getting impatient because his voice always raised a bit higher when I or my brother would try to hide things. "Because i made a promise to her, test subject 19." He replied pointing to the screen that had the stages on it. "TS-19 was your wife wasn't it?" He ignored Andrea's question. "Sorry to change subject but that clock keeps counting down. what happens at zero?" Dale asked again no reply from Dr. Edwin Jenner.  "Vi What happens at zero?" A voice came on the intercom  and it was VI. " When the clock hits zero Decontamination will start where it gets rid of all living things, by setting the air on fire to 6000 degrees/" We all widened our eyes.  "Grab your things! We're going!" Rick yelled, we all nodded and were making our way towards the doors when they slammed shut.  "He locked us in!" Glenn shouted. He locked us in?!?


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