You cry (boys)

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When the disease that the grounders had gave Murphy had spread throughout the camp you were terrified. Not for yourself but for your friends and especially Bellamy. When you heard that Bell had gotten it you rushed to the drop ship as fast as you could. 

"How did he get it?" You yelled at Clarke, who was blocking the entrance to the ship. She shook her head as if she had the same question. She wouldn't get out of your way and you were getting impatient. You shoved her to the sided and quickly walked into the ship to find your boyfriend laying on the ground.

"Bellamy!" You yelled as you ran towards him, about to grab his face when he stopped you. You were startled for a second and then remembered that the disease spreads through touch. Just then he started t couch up blood and you panicked, touching him and trying to get it to stop. Clarke and Octavia ran to help you and pushed him onto his side. As you watched them you started to cry, worried about him. He finally stopped and looked up at you. He gave you a concerned look before calling for Clarke again.

"Can you check her?" He asked, gesturing to you. Clarke took your hand and pulled you to your feet. You opened your mouth and did everything she told you to do.

"She seems to be alright." She said. "If shes not sick already then I think that shes fine." She added. You gave Bellamy a relieved look before grabbing his hand. He flinched and pulled it away, giving you a look. 

"She said that i'm fine." You said trying to reassure him. He nodded and you grabbed his hand again, forgetting that you were crying. He frowned as you tried to wipe your face which made you laugh a little. He helped you, smiling as you laughed. It was getting late and you were tired so you placed your head on his chest, still holding onto his hand. He kissed the top of your head and you smiled. 

"I'm going to be okay princess." He said, smiling. You looked up at him and smiled back, holding his hand tightly.

"I know." You said, still looking at him. He kissed your cheek before you placed your head back onto his chest. 


Murphy had been looking all over the camp for you and was beginning to get worried. He walked past your tent and heard you crying. He entered the tent to find you with your head in your lap, sobbing. He quickly walked over and sat down beside you, wrapping his arms around you protectively. You looked up at him, your eyes red from crying and put your head on his shoulder.

"Whats wrong Y/N?" He asked concerned before placing a kiss on your forehead. You shook your head, too embarrassed to answer his question. He gave you another look before squeezing your waist.

"It's nothing..." You said, while another tear fell down onto your cheek. He looked at you and wiped the tear away with his fingers, sighing at your response. You just looked down.

"Come on..." He said in a gentle way. You sighed and then you nodded, ready to tell him everything.

"I'm just worried about you Murphy." You said, finally looking up at him. He took a deep breath, rubbing his arm awkwardly.

"And this is why I didn't want to tell you." You said embarrassed. This made him laugh.

"You don't have to be worried about me. Ill always be here to protect you Y/N" He said smirking. You punched his shoulder playfully before placing your head on his shoulder again.

"I know." You said, yawning. Crying had made you exhausted and you were pretty much falling asleep on him.


Jasper had just been speared by the grounders and you couldn't stop thinking about him. You had been too distracted, imagining seeing him again that you didn't even notice Clarke walking towards you.

"He's awake and he's asking for you." Clarke said, leading you towards the drop ship. You walked quickly after her, excited and scared to see him awake. When you walked into the room you saw Jasper laying on the bed. His eyes lit up once he saw you. He tried to get up but couldn't, happy to see you again. You were excited to see him and thankful that he was going to be okay that you didn't realize you were crying. You froze there, in the doorway, unable to take a step closer to him until he said something.

"Y/N come here!" He said, his voice raspy from sleeping. You walked over to the bed, still not sure if you were dreaming.

"Awe don't cry beautiful." He said, trying to wipe the tears off your face. You smiled and hugged him tightly, forgetting about his injury. He hugged you back, wincing in pain before you let go. You realized what you had just done and started apologizing frantically. He laughed and pulled you into another hug, wrapping his arms gently around you. You did the same and when you both let go you placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I was so worried about you." You said, still crying.

"I know you were.Clarke told me." He said still smiling.

The two of you talked for awhile before he fell asleep again. You sat in the chair beside him, waiting for him to wake up before you ended up dosing off yourself.


You haven't seen Monty in a few days since he was still trying to get Jasper and the others to come to the bunker with him. A lot has happened without him there and you missed him. 

"Y/N Monty wants to talk to you." You heard Octavia say from the other room. You opened the door to see her sitting in a chair with the radio. You sighed and walked over to it. 

"Monty?" You asked, hoping for him to tell you that he was almost to the bunker. 

"Hey Y/N." He said. "I miss you." He added. Just hearing his voice made it difficult to hold back your tears.

"I miss you too." You said sniffling, still trying to hold it in. You two talked for awhile about how much he misses you and about the bunker. You hear him sigh and you brace yourself for what he's going to say next. 

"Were going to space." He says. You automatically start crying and you hear him trying to calm you down. 

"I can't do this without you." You say, wiping the tears from your face. You can hear him start to get emotional before you hear Bellamy walk into the room.

"I need to go now. I love you Y/N" He said, passing the radio to Bellamy so he could talk to Octavia. You start sobbing again and rush out of the room. Octavia follows you before you tell her that Bellamy wants to talk. She hugs you before she runs out of the room, leaving you all alone. You hate this plan about going to space especially because it was just supposed to be a 'save Raven' mission and not a 'going to space' mission. You kept crying, by yourself think about how long 6 years is without him when you find yourself walking out the door and back into the radio room. 

"Tell Monty I love him." You said as Octavia handed you the radio. 

"He already knows." Bellamy said. "You still have to tell him okay?" You said, trying to get Bellamy to tell him for you. He agreed to tell him so you gave the radio back to Octavia and left the room. You were going to miss him so much and you were a little angry about how this rescue mission ended up with him going to space. 

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