They cheer you up

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... He listens to your problems, nodding in agreement with you and when you're done your rant he hugs you gently and showers your face with sloppy kisses, making you laugh.

... He hugs you tightly, placing gentle, delicate kisses on your forehead while wiping away the tears on your cheeks with his fingers.


... He takes you on long walks to let you get everything off your chest, holding your hand the entire time and listening to everything you have to say before heading back to camp.


... He tells you how much you mean to him and how much he cares about you before hugging you gently and peppering your forehead with soft kisses.


... She draws you, making you laugh and smile with her corny jokes and the face's she makes when she is trying to concentrate.


... She asks you whats wrong and what she can do to help you get it off your mind. Most of the time you say that you want to go for a walk and just talk, holding her hand the whole time.


 ... She tells you stories about her space walks to try and make you forget about your problems, giving you light, gently kisses in between each of her stories. 

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