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I've been away.

Both literally and metaphorically.

As I'm sure you may know.

Whilst Finley continued to drive us as far away from England as we could go with the little gas we had, I got more and more distance from myself.

It was like I was watching each day go by without bothering to take part.

Like binging watching Netflix and never being asked 'are you still watching'.

I've never felt so depressed.

It's pretty shit.

However, I could never bring myself to end the routine -

or rather, myself.

I think the only thing that really stops people from taking their life are Netflix series.

(and then maybe loved ones, regret etc.)

Because how could I, when I still have Stranger Things to watch.

And the next season of Brooklyn Nine Nine.

I'm just in the middle of binging The Office.

Let's not forget The End Of The Fucking World.

That one's my favourite.

Maybe, once my subscription runs out, I'll be thrown back in that hole again.

But for now, I'll settle for movies night
in the back of the caravan
answering Finn's stupid questions about the last five minutes
because he's too busy eating popcorn and staring at his phone.

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