Chapter 20: I'll Be Good

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//Holy frick 20 chapters already, my god.. Anyway here comes Coran, cause why not?

"Ugh~!" Lance was slowly started to panic as he ran threw the city, searching threw places that he could lay his head and relax during the daylight hours. The sun was quickly started to rise up and he was already feeling the affects of it.. His body started feeling like lead and it was slowing him down. He stopped by a bar, begging to let him to spend just a few hours there but the manager wasn't listening and told him to get the hell out. Lance did what he was told and instantly regretted it... He begin to hiss in pain as the light of the sun hit his skin, slowly started to blistering it "Your STILL here?" The bar manager said, un-happy to see Lance was still in front of his shop. "P-Please.. I-I won't- I won't cause you problems.. I just need a place to stay for a while." Lance started to begged ones more, his head was started to hurt and his vision failing him "No. Were closing now,Come back later." He told Lance for the last time. "You better leave or I'm calling the cops on your ass." "Please. Sir.. I-I..." He started to lose his breath as everything around him was started to spin, he needed to be inside soon or- the manager just about had it with Lance and took a hold of Lance's wrist, about to drag him off the side... Which that alone made Lance cry out in pain. "Ah!" Without thinking Lance's body somehow muster all the strength he had left and pulled away from the man and use his other hand to wrap it around his throat. "Your letting me in or I swear to god I'll rip out your fucking throat!" Lance eye's flash with anger, pinning the man against the wall with one hand. 

"Keith, the plan won't change.. Lotor will pay for what he did to you. I promise we will all find a solution to kill him. You deserve to live your life without looking over your shoulder." Keith nodded a little, "What a bout Lance.. I feel... Overheated? Maybe from crying, does the pill make us feel each others pain? Well.. No, I couldn't ell he was- Never mind.." Keith took a deep breath and wiped his eyes, "What are we going to do about him though?" Even though Lance hurt him he didn't want to get back like that, he didn't want Lance in pain or in trouble.. He sighed a bit running a hand though his hair, "It's morning, I should probably get some rest, I'm not sure if I can sleep though, no with all this on my mind at least.. And Lances body doesn't need to stay out of the sun..." Just then Keith had an idea, "A-Allura.. Is there a way to the roof? Uhh, do you think it'd be okay to sit up there for a bit and just, yknow, look at the sky? I've always wanted to but, in my body it hurts to be in the sun without layers or sunscreen.. So... I never could." He got up and stretched his arms, he was kind of excited to be able to be in the sunlight after a lifetime in the darkness.. Screw Lance, he could be happy without him, and once this was over he'd be free from both of them, Lance and Lotor would never see him again, and he wont know what hit him! Keith went to the fridge and got the rest of what Shiro had brought him and ate it, "So when does this magic thing even wear off? It shouldn't be long now right?" He finished eating pretty quick since he wanted to see the sun. He threw the rest in the trash where it belonged and got back up hoping Allura would go with him.

          Lotor stayed asleep, he had been working and killing for quite a while ans was pretty worn, plus the face fucking and sex.. He would be asleep at least till the evening if not later.

          Tightening his hand on the Man's throat, Lance quickly release him as the manager started gasping for air. What exactly happen? The poor man stared at him in fear. "I'm going inside... If you tell anyone about this I'll hunt you down and end you." Lance didn't wait for a response and just walked inside. The whole bar was empty and the lights were out... It was perfect, however his body was still in pain and he felt all so weak. Perhaps a bite in the kitchen would do him good? Turning the light on, Lance looked in the fridge and saw some cooked turkey. Getting it in the microwave, Lance took a few bites of it only for him to start gagging and spit it right back up. "Uggggh..." Moaning in pain, Lance holds his stomach... He was totally didn't understand any of this. "What are you doing!?!" Lance roll his eyes in annoyances, as the man of the bar started to come in the kitchen and started yelling and complaining about the throw up on the floor. "Listen, I'm not feeling all too well so if you please keep your voice-"


          Allura nodded, thinking some fresh air will do Keith some good. Leading him outside and showing him the rooftop. "Isn't it beautiful?" Sitting next to Keith, Allura begin to watch the sun rise with him. "Hm? I'm not exactly sure when the drug wear off- Maybe in a day or two? I'm sorry.. Wish I had a more clear answer to give you." Keith's eyes widened, the view was amazing.. He smiled and took a deep breath, "This is amazing!" He smiled even more, he was so happy.. He hugged Allura, "Thank you- You have no idea how much this means to me!" He laid back and looked up the the sky, it was amazing.. He reached his hands out, a bit of the sunlight hitting his hand. "It doesn't burn, it doesn't hurt. It's just, warm" He teared up a little and just smiled to himself putting his hand to his chest. "You really have no idea how happy I am to get to experience this.. Do you think... Would it be ok if we took a walk maybe? Is anything open at this hour?"

          Coran was Alluras uncle, when he heard she had been in the bad parts of town where supernatural being where he went ballistic. He was a vampire hunter and was against any kind of magic, including clowns and magicians.. To his it was all "The devils temptations" and was banned from his home. He was strolling down the street looking for suspicious pedestrians when he heard a loud noise, he snuck around the corner seeing 'Keith' the boy he's been.. Watching... For a while, he lost sight of him a few months ago but now here he was! He pinned the poor man to the wall then walked in like the owned the place. Coran glared from afar as he went in after the owner as quietly as he could. He saw 'Keith' spit up the food he tried to eat and almost threw up himself! Coran pushed the man out of the way and chucked a garlic clove at him, "Begone foul beast! You're kind isn't welcome here!!" He took out the knife from his side pocket and held it up, "Now get over here and die like a man!"

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