Chapter 30: Like Real People Do

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//Guess I'm going to 35.. I know it's been going on for a while but I'm trying to end it in the best way I can so let's see how it plays out//

          Hands started to shake and the thought of ending another person life started to seek in. Lance had killed before.. Downtown at the bar and had killed the owner, he was push to the edge and wasn't in the right state of mind when he did that. Killing that man was right or not was up for debate, but unlike the bar owner Lotor is a monster and would hunt down Keith and probably wouldn't stop till one or the other is dead. Lance firmly believed if this continues that Keith will brake and end up taking his own life. Putting the shells into the gun, Lance will make sure that this was the end of Keith's nightmare.

          Keith ran as fast as he could and after a few minutes managed to get to a house. He knocked on the door and a few times and put on his calmest face. A woman answered the door and made a curious face, "Hello..?"

"Hello ma'am, My name is Keith. I live a little ways down, something happened at my house and all of my power is off for a while.. Would it be alright if I just used your phone? I want to let my roommate know so he doesn't worry about me." The woman nodded, "Oh of course, you poor dear, come on in just make yourself right at home. The phone is by the kitchen over there." She stepped aside to let Keith in and put a hand on his back leading him inside. "Oh dear- Why your cold as ice! Let me go make you some warm tea when you call your friend alright?"

          Lotor was looking around and finally his eyes landed on the closet and slowly walked over, "I've found you~ What a fun game this was." Loading the gun, Lances hands stated to shake and slowly pointed at Lotor through the closet door. Lotor smirked as he swung the closet door open and blindly swung his bat. Getting caught off guard by the swinging of the bat, the gun went off but it missed the target as Lance fell on the floor.

          Allura and Shiro spent a little over an hour searching Lotor's house only to find he wasn't there.. Both were disappointed and decided to call it a night and head back. Shiro's phone had died and the two were about to call Keith using her phone to let him know. "Hm? Wait, someone is calling me from a unknown number." she told Shiro before picking up the call "Hello? Keith? We were just about to call you-" Keith messed with the phones chord hoping Allura would pick up since Shiro wasn't answering his phone. Once they answered Keith perked up, "Allura?! Is Shiro with you-?" He bit his lip before quieting down and speaking softly into the phone. "..L-Lotor is at the house. I don't know how but he found me- Lance is in my room with a weapon and I ran to the neighbors house to call you." Allura put the phone on speaker so Shiro could hear as well.. "I-I see....Do you know how long ago was that?' Worrying, Allura ask Shiro to drive faster. "We are on the way to the house, stay where you are Keith" Keith nodded a little as he spoke, "Maybe ten minutes ago? I-I was pretty hesitant to leave him there.. I'm sorry. I couldn't stay there I'm not strong enough mentally to handle all of this." He looked around, seeing the woman still fixing cups if tea for the two and turned back to face the wall. "I understand, I'm going to be here for a little while, Shiro will know where I am and how to get to me once of safe. Please be careful"

Lotor fell back in surprise and first checked himself for wounds, "You idiot-!! Where is Keith? WHERE IS HE?!?" Lance quickly grabbed the gun on the floor and hid it in his back pocket. "Like hell I'm telling you.. Lotor you need to leave Keith alone." Lotor growled lowly as he got up and pounced aiming to pin Lace. "I need to find the love of my life! You'll never understand! No one will ever understand!" He was clearly insane.. Lance quickly rolls over so Lotor didn't get the chance to pin him. "No. I understand perfectly. Lotor, regardless what your feelings for Keith, you lost your right to ever see him or speak to him again. Keith is the love of your life? Then why threaten him with violence? Why force sex on to someone who clearly didn't want it? Keith want's nothing to do with you, he's afraid of you!" Lotor grabbed Lances arm tightly, digging his nails into his arm.

"You understand nothing. He has always willingly complied to my demands in exchange for something he wants or needs. He's my own personal whore and he likes it that way. He needs me to survive now that I've crippled his mind and forced him to be codependent! Were pERFECT FOR EACH OTHER HAHAHAHA" Lance winced in pain a bit when Lotor grab him by the arm. Listening to Lotor calling Keith a whore he gotten very angry and wanted to shoot him then and there...but after listening to Lotor and the craze laughing he couldn't help but to feel....bad? Was Lotor truly evil or a really mentally unstable person who clearly didn't get the help that he needed. Frowning, suddenly his anger disappears and it soon turn to sadness...Knowing there wasn't anything that Lance can say would make Lotor see what he did was wrong.

"A-Alright, Keith is in the other room... W-Wait here and I'll get him for you." Lotor pulled Lance up, "I don't since him.. Though I suppose he or Shiro could have done that- You're coming with me. I'm quite thirsty after this whole chase so you'll be my snack. Lucky you~" He pulled Lances arm to his mouth gently butting at first, just enough to break the skin and make him bleed. He pulled back after the taste he got, "Ugh. God you're filthy.. You taste like sewer water! I guess I'll have to wait till I have Keith and well share you together.. I just hope its out of your system be then." It was the body switching magic, since they just recently changed the drug was still there but barely, and apparently it tasted bad? "Stop that! Get off of me!" Lance yelped in pain when Lotor bit him and push the other male off of him. Lance looked really annoyed and started to rubbed his arm. "Y-Yeah.. Well, maybe cause your so hungry your senses are off! I'll get Keith for you and then I want you to leave." He reply, obviously lying. He was going to shoot Lotor from a distant.

          Lotor shook his head, "You are to go with me and get him. No excuses, lead me to him right now- And my senses are perfect, you're just full if shit. I really know what Keith saw in you. You're absolutely hideous, smell, and you aren't even useful as food.. Maybe he just wanted a pet?" He kept a tight hold on Lances wrist as he walked out of the room. "I've trashed all of the first floor so don't even try to trick me" Hearing the insult didn't bother Lance that much as he agreed to Lotor's demands. Getting out of the room, Lance knew that he had to think of something quick. "Honestly, I HATE that Keith is always keeping me from getting close to him.. Like he fed on me and then I pleaded for us to spend some time together but just denies me!" Lotor raised an eyebrow as he looked around the hall, wondering which door to in since there were only two left. "Is that so..? I suppose I'm rubbing of, that's how I treated Keith for the first few days of our relationship. Its a wonderful way to get someone to devalue themselves, all you have to do is ignore them enough. Its quite fun really.. Not that you'll live long enough to try it haha."

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