Chapter 26: All Apologies

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//This chapter is depressing- It has suicide mention so please read with caution. I'm not sure why but my depressions been getting worse too heheh... Oh well. This chapter is also a little shorter then normal because it takes long to get everything together and I wanted to post something at least once or twice this month so, yeah.. Enjoy. Maybe comment what you did for Halloween? I dressed up as Kurloz from Homestuck and had a mental breakdown lol

          Seeing Keith again brought back so many familiar memories, Lance definitely wasn't expecting to meet him so soon. "K-Keith?!" He called out, his hart beginning to race. He took a moment to resize the other male's reaction towards him.. Keith started to freak out. Was he going to have a panic attack? "Keith, please calm down. I-I know there's nothing I could say to excuse my actions but- I.." Suddenly, his words started to mangle up together as he felt his throat started to close. The hell!? Keith was using his magic on him?? He began to choke as he felt all the energy was being sucked out of his body. Allura heard the commotion from downstairs and rush into Shiro's room. She was shock to find that Lance was choking to death and right away pleaded to Keith luckily, Shiro was there to knock him out temporary.

          Allura ran over to see if he was alright as Lance fell over on the floor, gasping for breath. "Lance!?" She called out worry, he was of coarse alright, although after a few minutes or so he eventually past out for a bit because of the shock to his body. Scooping the boy in her arms, Allura lied Lance down on the bed. It took a short while for Lance regain consciousness and wake up. "A-Allura.. I... I really messed up." It was official.. Keith was done with him for sure. Lance should had know that from the start but he held on for hope. He still love and care for Keith. "What I' am going to do?" 

"Lance, there's nothing you could say that can make Keith forgive you. The best thing that you can do for Keith is to walk away." His eyes widened at that. Walk away from Keith? The thought alone was- "NO! I-I miss seeing him! It can't be over between us-"

"STOP being so selfish.. Your just have to live with this and move on. I hate what you've done but sticking around here or seeing Keith again isn't safe for you." Lance bottom lip started to quiver from her word. That was really his last moment on seeing Keith? Before leaving the room Allura surprise Lance by pulling him into a tight hug. "We'll never be friends again but that doesn't mean I want any harm to you, Lance. After the two of you switch back, I suggest to you move out of town. Keith can.. He can be reasonable sometimes but he's also a hunter. You where very lucky tonight."

          Shiro laid Keith on his bed, "He won't have the energy to do that again.. He subconsciously tried to kill himself and Lance. Usually in his body he would transform into- ..It doesn't matter... But because he was in Lance's body he wasn't strong enough, and started sucking the life of anything in sight to get that energy to be able to transform because it's all he knows how to do when he panics. If he knew how to control it better I'm sure that would have gone differently. But.." He stood up pulling Lance to his feet gently. "As much as I want you gone I know you have things to say to him and I know he has things to say to you.. So... When he wakes up I'll give you a few minutes with him. But so help me of you hurt him you'll be leaving the house in a body bag." He let Lance go and rubbed his temples. "I'm going downstairs to make some tea and clean up the spare room. I don't want you out of the room Lance, unless you need the bathroom but that's it. Or something happens but that's unlikely." 

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