Chapter 4: Despicable

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     The two went to Lance's apartment.. Putting his backpack on the floor, Lance showed Keith around. The place itself was somewhat crappy and had a few holds in the walls. "It's not the greatest but I'm saving to move out." He walked around a bit looking at everything. "It's not bad.." Keith mumbled. His place was nice but he had been around for a long time. "You know what I enjoy the most about humans?"

"Thanks!" Lance appreciated the complement from Keith, sitting down on the couch he was flipping threw channels. "Hm? No what is it?" He replied, curiously. Keith smiled, "Their invention of booze~" He chuckled a little, "Just joking. What I like more is their eyes.." Keith blushed a little realizing what he said my have sounded odd. "I mean- Creatures like me, we have dull eyes- someone like me could tell the difference between human and whatever else just by their eyes. But humans.. They have such, pretty eyes and amazing colors.. So much emotion and expression..." Remembering back to meeting that girl... Lance thought it was strange that she had no color to her eyes and her face was kinda emotionless. Although, being pined against the wall and feeling her claws digging into him, Lance saw her eyes light up as she was about to take a bite out of him. "D-Do you miss it? Do you miss being human?" He bit his lip as he sat down, Though Keith felt Lance had asked this before he didn't mind repeating his answer. "Well.. I was never allowed a normal life, so I'm not sure if I ever really got to be, human... The few times I got to be around kids though- I miss that a lot. I'd give anything for a day as a normal kid" Lance felt bad for Keith.. His parents sounded like big time assholes. Lance hoped being around people his own age would help Keith to feel somewhat normal,  "Well..." Scooting closer to Keith, Lance had an amazing idea. "When I invite my best friends over, you can come over too! We all like to play X-Box all night."

"The fuck is an X-Box..?" He tilted his head in confusion thinking about Lances offer. He knew he was just trying to help but... "I'm not good with people Lance- Im not even comfortable with you yet.. But, maybe after a while. Once I know you better you can introduce me ok?"
"It's a game system" Lance had to hold back his laughter with Keith's question. Listening to what Keith said next, Lance completely forgot for a brief moment that he wasn't comfortable around people. Soon the doorbell rang and Lance gotten pizza while they were walking back to that ot would get there when he did, he paid for the food and brought it over to the couch for both of them to eat as the movie begin to play in the background. He leaned back a little wondering what movie was playing. When Lance sat back down he eyed the pizza, he didn't have it often but at least he knew what it was.. "So.. What movie did you pick?"

"Saw" Lance answered, putting his feet up and taking another bite from his slice of pizza. "It supposed to be really gory"

           He gave a little nod and ate some of the pizza. It was pretty good, and he had heard good things about the Saw movies. Lance ate a few slices before getting comfortable on the how sofa, he jumped at some of the parts and maybe covered his eyes at a few scenes. Keith however, watched with a calm face, he had committed worse then what was playing. He kind if found it fascinating. He ate another slice as he watched. Noticing Lance jump almost made him laugh, but he remembered how shaken he was when he had almost been eaten. "Are you scared..?"

"N-No...I'm not Scare-Ew!!" Hearing the chainsaw made Lance jumped yet again.
He patted Lances head, "Its ok to be scared, or grossed out. Normal people should be" Lance smiled at that. Normally, his friends would make fun of him for being scared.

"I think your a lot braver then I am" finishing his last slice of pizza, Lance sat even closer to Keith on the couch. "Honestly, it's a little less scary with you here." Keith blushed a little and smiled, "Well I'm glad I can make you feel safe.. I'm scared a lot more then I let show honestly, well, more nervous then scared I guess but still" As the movie played, Lance snuggled up into Keith's shoulder, he honestly getting very tired and probably should go to bed after this movie. Not very long after, Lance fell asleep and collapsed onto Keith's lap. He smiled a little gently playing with Lances hair, he looked cute like that.. He hesitantly leaned down and kissed Lances head before leaning back and falling asleep. Lance snuggled into Keith's lap and slept the rest of the night away on the couch with him . Morning came and Lance couldn't believe he over slept. Dammit! He made sure all the blinds were closed as he made his way to his bedroom to change into his work uniform. He was a bit surprised to see Keith didn't leave and actually spent the night...Not that Lance minded. He brought an extra pillow for Keith and put a blanket on top of him. "Heeey, I'm going to work now. Please, feel free to stay here as long as you need too." Lance whispered to him. Knowing Keith can't leave anytime soon because of the sun. "I'll meet you on the bus for the trip later."

          Keith shifted a bit and pulled the blanket up getting comfortable on the couch still asleep, "..Mmm yeah... Love you" He was sleep talking, who knows what he's even dreaming about? He didn't normally sleep talk but when he did he's been known to say some random and sometimes very funny things. This didn't seem to be one of those times. Lance let out a quiet giggle at that....He wasn't sure if Keith was dreaming about someone or just being sarcastic. He bet on the second one. "Silly" He replied, poking Keith's cheek softly. Lance couldn't help but to stare at Keith for a few moments, the boy really did look different when he was asleep..He kinda looks...cute? Lance didn't mind admiring Keith but unfortunately he was already late. Grabbing his jacket, he was off to work. Keith's face turned a little as he was poked, after a second he resumed his peaceful expression. He snored softly and rolled over. It had been a long time since Keith had gotten a nice long sleep like this, and it was nice to really get to hang out with someone who wasn't so scared of him or that wasn't Shiro..

          Lance went to work and did everything he was supposed to do. He was lucky enough to get out early. This was perfect since Keith agreed to go out to the club with him, Lance did some shopping for Keith with the money he had left over. Black ripped skinny jeans with a red sleeveless shirt with a leather jacket to match, for Keith. He also quickly picked out his clothing, as he rushed out the store and headed to the school.

          Keith woke up a bit later, he rubbed his eyes and winced. He stood up and trudged around the house for something to rid him of his head ache. He looked though the house and took a few pain killers, they probably wouldn't work too well, it was odd how normal human medicine didn't work on him as well. "..Food..." He tied his hair up and let his eyes adjust to the rooms light, he needed something to sustain him.. He hadn't ate in what seemed like forever. Where did Lance say he was going?

          Shit!. Lance yet again forgot something at his apartment. Thankfully the School didn't leave until 8pm. Opening the door, Lance was glad Keith was still here. "Heeey sleeping beauty, how was your nap?" He joked but froze when he saw Keith's expression, "Keith? Are you alright there?" He looked up at Lance with a dazed expression, his eyes seemed to glow in the dim light. He took a step closer to Lance but stopped himself and covered his face with his hands, "Lance.. I- I have to go, I need to eat something and I don't want to hurt you" He was afraid that if he let his guard down and got too close to Lance that'd he'd bite him or something, and that was the last thing he wanted. Lance felt his hart racing and not in a good way, the palms of his hands begin to sweat as he saw Keith's eyes glowing and he begin to take a step back. "I....I-I have s-some raw meat i-in the freezer that y-you can have" He shook his head and frowned, "I'm sorry, I just.. I didn't want to scare you- I'll just be back in a bit ok?" He hated making Lance feel nervous and scared, "O-Or maybe... If you want to come with me to my house? I have some stuff there" He wouldn't get into it, but he didn't want to eat around Lance because if he wasn't sucking someone dry he was tearing them apart like an animal. But at his house Shiro liked to make him food, things that were ok for him to eat but looked normal.

          Lance gulped... He was in a tough situation and knew Keith was trying his best not to spook him in anyway. He appreciated the amount of effort that Keith was trying to hide how hungry he is but Lance could still see it. And how badly that Lance wanted to see Keith's house, he really REALLY didn't want to be around a hungry vampire. "Thank You, Keith....But as always I let my procrastination get the best of me and really need to pack for this school trip." He replied, lying. "I'll see you later tonight ok?" Keith nodded a little, "Yeah, alright Lance. I'll be back soon.." He gave a smile, though it was forced and he tried to walk out as calmly as he could, "And I'm sorry if I scared you.." He said in the doorway before leaving. After he got a little ways from Lances house he rushed home to eat, he hadn't eaten anything that could actually sustain him since yesterday morning and he could barely hide it..

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