Chapter 3 - It's Time

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Chapter 3!! I think I an ridiculously excited about this, but anyway I hope your just as excited as me :)

Anyway less talkie more readie! <3

Jason's POV

"Hey man" Chaz walked into my office, greeting me casually. I nodded in reply, "So tonight, how are we gonna do this?" he asked cautiously. I hadn't put much thought into that actually, I probably should have but I've been busy and all. I was still watching my phone screen as the orange dot moved back towards her house, I knew she wouldn't bother running. She's smart enough to know that no matter where she is, I will find her.

"Well, she's just gone back to her house and I doubt she's stupid enough to try running but you never know" I explained and Chaz nodded along. "So what are we gonna do if she does run?" he asked calmly. "Well for one thing, she'll regret it. We can just track her with her phone" I replied casually. "And if she phones the cops?" he added again. Is it question time right now or something, 21 questions, Guess who? No, just checking. "We will that have to disable her phone through the chip in it before we enter her house" I added.

Chaz nodded impressed, "You have thought of everything, haven't you?" He replied. "Yeah well when your sat in jail you have a lot of time to think and trust me she's gonna regret all the lies she's told and all the promises she's broken" I muttered the last bit under my breath. "Well anyway, it's time" I declared and Chaz nodded. "Ready?" He asked and I just nodded before we went to reclaim what is mine.

Britanni's POV

I sat at home just waiting, I had no weapons and even if I did that would just piss him off more and I wouldn't be a match against him under any circumstances. I wasn't about to run into his arms and beg for forgiveness, don't get me wrong. I'm just not prepared to get myself in even more shit than I need to be. He's gonna be pissed anyway, why make it worse?

I had my phone and 911 on speed dial. Not that the police have or will be much use, but it's always worth a try.

I heard a car pulling up the drive and instantly panicked, as much as I tried to be calm about this I wasn't ready to be in the presence of this asshole again. I ran upstairs with my phone in hand. The knock on my door could be heard throughout the house, why would he knock?

I nearly went to check telling myself that he wouldn't have knocked but maybe he just wants me to think that. The door slammed open and I nearly screamed before composing myself and sneaking down the stairs so I can possibly escape him. There was a guy dressed all in black with a mask on, he started walking this way so I hid behind a door.

After a few minutes of looking around he went upstairs. I sighed in relief and ran out of the back door to the side of the apartments. I unlocked my phone and went to call the police but it froze. "Shit, no c'mon work" I hissed at it but before I could try again it was plucked out of my hand, a hand snaked around my waist and pulled me towards a rock hard chest. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth. "Hey babe, miss me?" he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

I froze before trying to get out of his grip but it was too tight. I bit his hand that was covering my mouth and he hissed in pain and let got off me but before I could try to run he had hold of my hair and pulled me back into his chest. "Bitch" he muttered, loud enough for me to hear. "Thanks" I replied sarcastically. Suddenly the ground disappeared underneath me as he put me over his shoulder and walked to a black van outside my house (how cliche). I started screaming but he just threw me into the back, he got in with and told the driver (who I'm guessing is Chaz) to drive.

He quickly turned his attention to me and started to tie my hands and feet, I tried to struggle but have up after he had slapped me. "Stop being such a bitch" he hissed, glaring me. "Stop being such a douche and kidnapping people" I retorted, earnings another slap but it was worth it. I felt tears threatening to escape but pushed them back, I will not show that I'm weak, especially because of this douche.

I tried to manoeuvre my hands out of the ropes but it was useless I was just sat there swishing my hands about and in any other situation I would of thought how stupid I looked but right now I was more concerned about my pyscho, killer, abusive, douchebag, bi-polar kidnapper/ ex boyfriend. "Are you gonna keep still or do I have to make you?" he growled the threat evident in his voice, but I knew I needed to show him that he didn't scare me (even though he did but we won't tell him that anytime soon). "No I won't sit still, why should I?!" I yelled. He glared at me, it was then that I noticed how black his eyes were, they were only that colour when he was extremely pissed.....Oh shit! I cursed in my head whenever he looks like it that it gets ugly, usually for me.

"Fine, I didn't wanna do this but you forced me" He explained. I was about to ask what he meant before he came closer and a sharp prick was felt on my arm. "Yes drugged again!" I yelled sarcastically in my head. Everything was slowing down as I felt the sudden urge to sleep. I tried to fight it but slowly blackness consumed me.......

I'm not too sure about that, might have to change it? Opinions? What do you guys think so far? Your opinions really matter ?to me and I like to know what you think :) If you have any ideas (cos I don't really have many) please message me and if I use them I'll dedicate the coaster to you <3

Don't be a stranger ;)



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