Chapter 5 - Good Start (Not!)

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I didn't like the other chapter five and I don't think you guys did either :) So I tried to re-write it but it took a while so yeah... Vote if you like it! :*

Brittani's POV

I gave up on resisting the urge to stay awake and fell into a deep sleep... "For fucks sake why won't she just wake up?! Boss is gonna kill me if she doesn't hurry up!" I opened my eyes to the sound of annoyed mumbling. There was Ryan pacing in the room. Oh the joys of seeing this asshole again! "Finally, I've been trying to wake you up for ages!" I stared at him in disbelief. "You realise that pacing and mumbling angrily like a deranged physcopath doesn't count as trying to wake someone up?" I exclaimed, suprised at how much of an idiot he actually was. "Boss said I couldn't touch you, how else would you like me to wake you up?" He answered angrily, I'm guessing he has serious anger issues. Not Jason serious but still anger issues none the less. I shook my head "Your like his little lapdog it's hilarious, it really is" I chuckled, that was until the force of a hand stung my cheek bringing a tear to my eye. I brought my hand to the side of my face in shock.

The door of my little prison swung open and there stood a vicious but reasonably calm Jason, that was until he saw what was in front of him. Me holding my cheek and Ryan staring down at me. His eyes turned dark "What the fuck Ryan!?" He yelled, taking deep breaths between each breath, it reminded me of when he used to "punish" me, I shivered but pushed the memory to the back of my mind, I don't need that shit right now. "I..I...I'm sorry Boss" Ryan stuttered, shaking with fear. I would've felt sorry for him if he wasn't such a douchebag but, I understand his situation, I had been in it quite a few times. "Get out!" He yelled, the veins in his head making an apperance. Ryan walked out of the room followed by Jason and as soon as the door was closed Jason's anger made a re-appearance. "I told you not to fucking touch her Ryan! So you decide to slap her? Only I can do that?!" He yelled loud enough so that I could quite easily hear, it's always nice to now someone thinks they can slap and it's fine because "only they're aloud to do that", but it's fine I was used to it.

He came back in after repeatedly threatening to shoot Ryan straight up and even I knew he wasn't joking, he didn't kill him though, just told him to get away from him before he'd do something that he wouldn't regret. All throughout this talk, I was quietly sat on the bed hoping that Jason would've forgotten about me by now. I heard Ryan and Jason walk away and let out a deep sigh. For the second time today the door swung open revealing a pissed of Jason.... Great! Not only is he pissed withme for breaking promises and all that other shit that I didn't do but now he's angry anyway. "Don't think I'm finished with you just yet" he muttered, his jaw tensed as he sat down on the other side of the bed. Silence filled the room, I couldn't stand silence so it started with a cough and ended up with me humming and doing anything to occupy my mind. "Shut up" Jason warned angrily. "Hey, i'm only trying to occupy the silence" I muttered under my breath earning me a glare. "How could you?" he muttered. "How could I what?" I replied, slightly confused. "How could you leave me, break the promises we made?" He said, the anger returning into his eyes and his voice. "I...I couldn't wait Jason, you kidnapped me..." I replied quietly. "Your mine Brittani, I own you!" he answered coldly. That's where I snapped "That's where your wrong, you brainwashed me into thinking I was yours. I'm not property I don't belong to anyone but myself. You don't own me and no matter what you do or say you never will" I said proudly. That was I did feel proud until the sensation of my hair being ripped out rippled through my body causing me to scream in pain. "I don't think you understand" he said through gritted teeth. He pulled up the hem of my shirt, exposing my hipbone. I tried to pull my shirt down but as my hands moved he yanked my hair causing my hands to drop to my side in defeat. "Just as I thought, there it is" He cooed patroizingly in my ear, gesturing towards the brand on my hipbone.

"Please.. Let me go" I sobbed. He released the grip on my hair as I fell to the floor. "Stand up" he mumbled. "I said stand up!" he yelled. I dragged my aching body up off of the floor, I didn't want to look into his eyes. He's a monster who I need to escape from as soon as possible. "Are you coming?!" he grunted angrily. He's become even more angry than last time, if that was even possible. I shrugged, not even caring anymore. "You walk or I carry you either way, I don't really care." I stood there still not moving, he stalked towards me. "No, no it's fine i'll walk...I'll walk!" I panicked as he kept getting closer. "Too late!" he exclaimed as he grabbed me by the waist and yanked me onto his shoulder. "Put me down" I yelled as I punched him on the back and tried to find something to kick. "Well you can punch a lot harder than before" Jason mumbled under his breath. "Put.... Me.....Down!" I yelled again, I never have been good at giving up. "Okay" he complied before dropping me on his bed. "Go get in the shower" he said before pointing to a door. "Umm I need clothes" I replied awkwardly. "Oh here" he replied throwing one his shirts and some overized joggers at me. "Okay then...." I mumbled as I walked off. Once I got into the bathroom I was relieved to find that there was a lock. I turned the lock as it clicked shut. "Brittani?" Jason asked and I could already hear he was slightly pissed. "Um yeah?" I replied cautiously, even behind locked doors Jason can find ways to get to me. "What are you doing?" He asked curiously, what a stupid question. "Uh I'm taking a shower like you t.." , "No not that, Idiot. Why have you locked the door" he interupted. "Becasue I'm taking a shower" I answered plainly. "Did I say you could lock the door?" he replied. "No but why should.." , "No, I didn't think I said you could, unlock it now!" he demanded. "Sorry I can't hear you over the shower" I replied turning the shower on and stepping in. Right now I really didn't care, for now I was behind a locked door and until the time came to get out and face him I won't think about the consequences of what just happened.

After taking a ridiculously long shower and putting on the clothes provided, I had forgotten about the lock incident, that was was until I stepped out of the bathroom door and was instantly pinned against the wall. "When I tell you to do something, you do it. Understand?" he growled against my neck as my breathing hitched in my throat and I found the ability of speech leave my brain completely. "I said do you understand!" he growled. I nodded my head. "Sorry what was that, I can't hear nods" he teased. "Yeah, I understand" I replied, lowering my eyes to the ground. "Good, next time I won't be so nice" he growled before releasing my hands from the wall. "Go to sleep, I'm not dealing with you being a bitch in the morning" he muttered as he turned off the light. "Yeah cos i'm the bitch of this relationship" I replied in disbelief. "What was that?!" He growled. "Nothing, Night!" I covered before sttling into my kiddnappers bed, yep thats my life.

Who hates fillers cos I know I do! I hope it was better than the other chapter 5 though, I put more time into this one than the other one :*

If I get 40 votes on this chapter I'll update tommorow but if not then I guess we'll all have to wait ;)

Missed you guys ;)

Love Olivia


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