Chapter 8 - Escape Plan

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Sorry for not updating but I've had writers block and I'm not too sure where I'm going with this story yet....
Jason's POV
(From the end of the last chapter)
".... And I can be creative" I hissed towards them, making sure they knew never to touch Brit. I quickly introduced them all and positioned my self on the spare seat on the sofa. Brit looked around awkwardly as she saw there were no seats left. Her eyes fell on me and I smirked slightly "Come sit with me" I said patting my lap slowly. She shook her head. "I'm not gonna sit on your lap. I'd rather stand or die for that matter" she spat. "Well that can be arranged" I hissed. "Now sit" I repeated louder this time. "No! Do I look like a puppet because last time I checked there were no strings attached to me." She yelled glaring. "Brittani, you need to stop being a bitch and just do as your told. It would be easier, for you anyway..." Chaz joined in, giving some good advice, she just needs to listen. "Y'know what, fuck you." she spat "Fuck all of you, especially you" she said her eyes catching mine as she glared. I could feel anger rising through me, I have been trying to be easier on her. After all I wouldn't want to hurt her pretty face but sometimes a bitch has got to learn, and that's what she was being right now....... a bitch. I stood up and walked over to her. I expected her to flinch but she didn't instead she stood her ground. She's definitely a lot tougher this time but eventhough she's trying to hide it I can still see the fear in her eyes. "Want to accompany me upstairs?" I spat, I was close to her now, my body towering over her small fragile frame. She took a big breath and tried desperately to disguise the fact that she was shaking. "I'm good thanks. I'd rather stay down here and plus a seat has just opened up." She said pointing to the seat that I had just left. "Was that a yes, because I wouldn't like to think what would happen to that pretty face if you would have said anything other than yes....." I whispered close into her ear. I grabbed her hair quickly catching her by surprise. "If you don't mind I'll be taking this little bitch upstairs. It's where she belongs until she can learn her manners" I hissed as I dragged her out of the room "Let me go you bastard" she screamed as unwanted tears poured out of her eyes. "Calling names won't get you anywhere it might even make your situation worse" I chuckled as she continued to curse and scream at me while trying to let me go. When we were outside of the room I released her hair and she snapped her head back up. "Ladies first" I gestured for her to go first. She looked around in desperation and suddenly bolted past me but before she could get very far I was able to snag her hair that was now extremely sensitive and this brought her to a stop completely. I picked her up and brought her into the room myself since she was incapable of listening to me. I dropped her in the middle of the room causing her to give a yelp of pain. I chuckled at this that even something as small as that can hurt her, it reminded me just how fragile it is and how easy it is for me to break her. "So Brit do your remember the rules I told you" I hissed circling her like a animal does to its prey. She nodded her head slowly, now realising the extent of shit that she was in. "I remember one being to do as I say, don't you?" I hissed trying to control myself. Again she nodded. "So why did you not listen to me" I spat as I watched squirm in the uncomfortable situation. She shrugged. I yanked her hair pulling her to her feet causing her to whimper in pain. "Why did you ignore me" I spat looking straight in her eyes. "Because your being a controlling dickhead." she spat back finally finding her voice. "Calling names again. It's not very nice is it?" I whispered. "We could have a nice relationship but you have to fuck it all up by making me mad on purpose don't you?" I yelled causing her to flinch. I could feel the rage rising up inside of me. "I could never have a relationship with you. I couldn't love you if I did I'd kill myself." she spat. "Oh yeah, your still in love with me and you know it. We had a relationship before and we will again but no matter how much you deny it you know your in love with me, probably why you try to piss me off so much." I spat turning my back on her. "I bet your parents are happy you killed them, rather than having to live with you for a son." she hissed. It's safe to say I lost it. Before I knew it my fist collided with her jaw and she was left on the floor sobbing. "Don't you dare ever fucking talk about shit you don't know, especially my family. You don't know shit your just a stupid bitch who acts all tough hit inside is so pathetic she sickens herself" I roared. "I just leave you to have a... rest...." I spat as I walked out of the room slammed the door and locked it.

Brittani's POV
My jaw throbbed as I lay on the floor in self pity and sobbed. I had tried to pretend to be so tough but he was right I really am pathetic. I knew talking about his parents was going too far yet I still did it. He's never gonna back down maybe that's why we always argue maybe we're too much alike, apart from the murdering possessive psycho thing but otherwise y'know.

I tried to get up and winced at the growing pain in my jaw that's gonna be a bruise if I ever saw one. I stood up on my unsteady legs and surveyed the room. I walked shakily over to the door and tried it just in the hope that he forgot but nope of course he didn't he wouldn't be very good at his job if he just forgot to do things like locking the door. I sighed in desperation no matter where he locks me I can't escape, I might as well give up.... Like someone was telling me not to I saw a curtain sway slightly. I walked over to it and it swayed again. I quickly whipped it back to reveal the best thing I've seen in a while..... An open window. Looking down to realise I was on the third floor wasn't the best moment in my life but it gave me hope . I heared a roar of laughter come from downstairs making me jump in surprise. Probably just Jason telling them all how he "Fucked me up". Coming back to the task at hand I planned in my head the possible escape routes. I found one that requires limited flexibility (of which I have none) and limited need of balance skills (also have none of that). I hesitantly hopped onto the widow ledge. "You can do it just don't look down, don't look down" but you know when you say that and it gives you the urge to like even more. That didn't happen I grabbed hold of the drainpipe and due to the fact Jason doesn't offer me food a lot I am light enough (barely) to be able to shimmy down the drainpipe without it popping off and dropping me to my impending doom.
I slowly started lowering myself down but at the last minute my hand slipped and I dropped to the ground. Luckily I was only a metre if the ground and managed to fall without doing too much damage, only a few bruises. I set off running towards a nearby road, of course we are in the middle of nowhere, what did I expect? Finally the first car I had seen since I started walking appeared and I all but threw myself into the road. She gestured for me to get in the car. "Please help me, you need to get me away from here." I stuttered trying to avoid the impeding breakdown that was about to happen. "Okay okay, take deep breaths just calm down" she cooed trying to stop me hyperventilating. "What are you running from?" She asked "You don't understand you need to drive he will kill you" I screamed getting annoyed at the fact that she wouldn't just drive. "I'll go and see if anything is there... " She muttered. "Look I'm sorry but you need to trust me, just drive." I said in speed. "Listen I'm a busy person if I go look and nothing is there you can walk if I see someone I'll drive you wherever you need to go." she hissed. Couldn't have picked a better car to get into could you Brit? She got out of the car and strolled towards the front door, knocking loudly. "Is someone in, I've got a girl in my car telling me she's in danger, is this true?" She said in a business manner. Who goes up to a door and says that, has she got a death wish? The door popped open and next thing I knew she fell to the ground blood coming from her head, he had shot her!
I quickly hopped over into the drivers seat in desperation and started the ignition, I need to get away. I can't stay with him any more I'll go crazy.

Driving. I hadn't driven in so long, how long have I even been with Jason. I don't know what or where I was driving to I was just trying to make a big enough distance between me and Jason to be able to escape him. In the back of my mind there was a small (annoying) part that was reminding me that no matter where I go he will always find me. But I ignored that.

Longish chapter, hope you enjoyed it in going to try update again today because I've haven't in so long. Vote, Comment. It all really means a lot

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