Chapter 1

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( Quick Author Note) Hello my friends I would like you to know this story is going to be in my perspective but it's not real its just a simple fanfict with me in it. Thank you so much for reading it and I hope you enjoy! ( End of Note)

I don't want to go to school! I yell at my " father." Elizabeth my dear we've had this discussion for the 14th time now. He sighs. I am not going I don't want to look at those filthy blood suckers. I yell at him. Yuki please explain to Elizabeth that they the night class is perfectly fine my farther says. Soon my sister Yuki walks in. Elizabeth let's go get dressed she says totally ignoring my father's question. By now you know my name Elizabeth. I am starting my new school Cross Acandemy by force of my father . Well he's not really my father. The real one dead at least I hope they are. I mean who wouldn't once somebody abandons you,you would hope they were dead. Well at least I do. Yuki still believes there alive and will come find us some day. I spot Yuki staring at me in confussion.

Well where's my uniform. I yell at her. It's on you. She sighs. I look at what I was wearing. You dressed me. I yell blushing. It's not like it's the first time. She sighs and walks out to the kitchen. I follow her ready to start a fuss until I see Zero. Hi Zero. I smile at him. Good morning Elizabeth. He mumbles. Zero please come here. I hear our farther call Zero. Zero is a boy we meet four years ago after his parents died from a "bad vampire." He's always been a shy boy and I've like that about him. Yuki has feeling for him but she just doesn't know if yet. Zero walks back in with a glare that could kill somebody. Come on. He yells at me. He starts walking away into the hall. Hey wait Zero. Yuki and I say chasing after him. Zero always been a strange kid. Zero continues to ignore me until we walk past some Day Class students. "Look its those strange kids." A girl snickers. "You were right look at the blond haired one." One snickers staring at me. "How many people do you think that boy killed. I stop and stare at the girls. Come on Elizabeth. Zero says pulling my hand. I start walking again and shoot the girls a nasty look. We walk to class and I sit next to Zero.

                                                                                          (Class ends and its time to meet the night class)

I rush out of class as soon as the bells rings. Hey slow down. Zero yells after me. You have to catch me first. I smile at him. I see a line of girls lined up and go stand with them. Hi Elizabeth. A girl next to me says. Hi. I mumble arkwardly. I had a pretty bad experience in class today. I mighty have screamed at the teacher. Pretty soon Zero standing in from of me. Oh no you've caught up to me. I smile at him. I actually have worked to do. If you weren't so pysco you would understand. He mumbles to me. I stick my tounge out at him. And then the big door leading to the Nightclass (which I've herd Zero and Yuki talking about)open and thr class walks out. The girls start to scream in joy when they see the boys. I recognize one face from them all. Kaname Kuran the man who saved Yuki and I the night our parents abandoned us. He also brought us to Mr. Cross our farther. Kaname was a bloodsucker the worst there was and he made my blood boil in angry. I scream I AM GOING TO KILL YOU. I say and  charge at him. I end up tripping and falling on top of which causing the Day class girls to start a fuss. Hello Elizabeth. He smiles at me. Your lucky I don't have my knife with me. I hiss at him. Suddenly I feel somebody grab my arm and pull me up from the ground. Elizabeth we've talked about this to. Yuki sighs and drags me away with Zero behind. We're are we going? I ask her as we walk inside Headmaster Crosses or "farthers" room. We're reporting you. Yuki sighs.

                                                                                       (After a long talk about the Nightclass)

Elizabeth I am sorry but we cant have these accidents happening every time you see a vampire. Headmaster Cross says. Can you blame me. I yell at him. I know your scared and I can't change your past but could you at least try. I glare and him and say I never forgive vampires even if ones saved my life. Headmaster Cross sighs. Well then I have no choice but to make you get a long with them. Started tomorrow you will be living in the Night Dorm and attending Nightclass. Zero will walk you over your new dorm tomorrow before his duties. My blood starts boiling and I yell I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU, YOU CAN KISS MY TRUST GOODBYE. Before I could say anything else Zero drags me to my room. Get some rest he mumbles and closes my door.

****Zeros Pov****

Before I left I could here Elizabeth cry. I turn back to the door ready to open it but change my mind and head back to the boys dorm where I will suffer another night.

(Author Note) 

Thank you all my readers if you liked it please comment your positivity always helps me until next time - Elizabeth

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