The Great Escape

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I look behind me as I run to the the opening gate of the school to see Aido and that brown hair boy following me. I pick up my speed and run straight threw the opened gate. I am free! I think to myself as I slow speed down and head towards town. All of a sudden I feel a chill down my spine. I stop and stare at the boy in front of me. We won! Aido says walking towards me. Stay back. I snap at him. Oh come on Elizabeth Kaname-Sama told us to follow you and so we did. Your find over now come on. Aido says smiling. I look to my side and notice and carriage ride about to start. With out a thought I run to the carriage and hop in. GO! I scream to the man and the man starts the carriage.

Were to? The man asks and I replie far away. I had him $20 through the small window opening and he picks up speed. For a while I was relax and calm until I herd somebody's voice. "Don't do this to your family." I hear a voice say. "Turn back your making a mistake another says." No you don't understand. I mumble to myself. "What about Zero you like him and you know it." One voice says. I like Zero as a friend.I mumble. "Kaname won't be so harsh on his punishment if you turn back now." They both say. I hop he kills me then Zero will take him out. I hiss to them. What about that cute model boy? The driver says. No he has that ponytail girl. I tell him. Then I realize the drivers voice is different and start to panic. A blonde haired boy named Ichijo stares at me through the small window. I panic and open the carriage door. Hey stop don't jump were still moving. A low voice says. This was Kain Aido's cousin. To late. I laugh and jump out of the carriage. My landing.was rough and I am pretty sure I broke a rib but I had to run before they found me. I get up off the ground and start running to the forest when I feel somebody grab my arm. Please stop Elizabeth your hurt and we need to get you home. Ichijo says. I stare at the vampire in a daze. Suddenly I feel sleepy and faint.

***Ichijo Pov***

Elizabeth all of a sudden fall into me making my hunger rise. Kain take her. I mumble to him. Yeah ok. He mumbles and picks up Elizabeth. As we walk back to the carriage Elizabeth starts screaming. Your hurting her. I say and take her from Kain. No she's hurting her self its in her head. Kain sighs and starts the carriage. As soon as we start riding back to Cross Acandemy Elizabeth starts talking in her sleep. I grin listening to her talk about ice cream with honey on it when all of a sudden something she says catches me by surprize. " Kaname-Sama will never like me. He'll always love Yuki no matter what I do for him." " Zero will kill him for me though if I ask right." She laughs. She keeps going on about this then stops for no reason. Instead now she's talking about me. I listen as she talks about me when I was younger. This catches me by surprise until I rember I use to ride with Kaname to go check on the girls when headmaster would always lie about Yuki being ill. Elizabeth spotting me one day and walk up to me smiling. I forgot how much these girls mean to  Kaname-Sama. But Elizabeth right Kaname-Sama doesn't pay much attention to her.  I grin at the thought of Elizabeth being jealous. Then I look at her again. She's talking about ice cream again then groans. I watch as her arm grabs her ribs and she sits up in panic. Hey calm down. I says pushing her back into the seat. ASULT! She screams and starts freaking out. That's not asult now calm down. I says grabbing her wrist in case she trys to run away. 

                                                                                          **** 1 hour later*****

*****Elizabeths Pov*****

We come to a stop finally after having to deal with Ichijo trying to calm me down. Kain opens the door for us and Ichijo grabs my hand and pulls me out of the carriage. He hands me off to Kain and he walks me to the nurses office. He lays me down on a bed and walks away. Soon "farther, Kaname, Zero, and Yuki come barging in. Elizabeth! Yuki says huging me. Don't touch me I snap at her. So you've returned to us again. Zero sighs eyeing me. Sadly yes. I mumble eyeing Kaname. He smiles at me and I glare at him. Headmaster can I talk to Elizabeth privately? Kaname asks. Oh course Kaname be kind to her though. Headmaster smiles at him then eyes me and shakes his head.  They walk out and I watch as Kaname comes to my bed and hovers on top of me. Are you ready for your punishment. He snickers rising his hand.

***Auother note****

( I want to say thank you all my readers for reading this all those people who bother to read my stories mean so much to me. I am so glad this is going better then my other story. I will continue as long as people read it. You have to like it all I am asking if for your support and I'll always take suggestions. Thank you so much - Elizabeth)

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