Chapter 7 part one

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***Aido Pov***

Yuki and Zero take us to the headmaster office slightly until I notice Zero reach into his pocket. I was searching for something he couldn't find. He looks at Yuki and she stares at him in worry. Soon we walk into the room Headmaster starts greeting Yuki. "Oh Yuki have you come to have lunch with me. "No I came to report some night class students and  they have a question for you." Yuki says. "What can I do for you boys?" Headmaster asks. "Elizabeth opened her sound and Kaname won't let us help her." Kain says. No he not she's being a distraction. I say angryily at him. "Your just angry because he slaped you." Can says loudly. Well at least can trust Kaname. I yell at him. "WELL I AM NOT SOME BRAT WHO DOES EVERY THING KANAME SAYS AND ACTUALLY CARES FOR PEOPLE." Kain yells at me. I CARE FOR MY FANS!" I yell at him. "NO YOU DON'T I'VE HERD YOUR SIDE CONVERSATIONS WITH SHIKI!" He screams at me. "Boy calm down!" Headmaster yells. WHAT! I scream at him. "I understand the problem and will have a talk with Kaname and Elizabeth." He sighs and pushes his glasses up onto his head. "Yuki stay here and file your report Zero walk them to those dorm please." Headmaster says. Zero sighs and we start to follow him outside.

***Elizabeth Pov***

I had finally had stop crying when I hear Zeros voice. "She doesn't need to see you leave." Kaname says. "Well I want to see her." Zero says. "She's sleeping." Kaname says. I am awake. I mumble to myself. I get up from the ground and walk over to my door. I unlock it and open it. Zero! I yell and run over to him. "Hi Elizabeth how are you? He mumbles. I hug him and replie "I feel like a  goat that just got shot! "Oh wonderful." He smiles and tries to pull me away from him. "Don't push me away you know you like this. I mumble squeezing him tighter. "Go back to your room." Kaname says. "No this is fine she can come back with me for a little while." Zero mumbles and grabs  my arm. "Where are we going? I ask. As soon as we get outside he says " We can go into town with Yuki." Can't I stay here and talk with Headmaster? I ask. How come you don't want to go to town? He asks and thinks about what be just said. "Your a lot like Yuki when you go to town you don't like being left alone." He chuckles. Fine maybe your right but I am only going if you stay by me. I mumble and spy a little grin on Zero face. Oh Zero I forgot to give you these back i didn't know they were aspirin sorry. I mumble grabing the small box I stole from Zero. "Elizabeth that's not aspirin please tell me you didn't have any. Zero says snatching the box from me. Heh um well I have two thinking they tasted like asprin. I mumble. "Well your not gping to for but don't eat these ever again its for um my- Please don't say anything else I understand what there for. I mumble cutting him off. He sighs and says " It's hard to tell you what there for." No no I understand. I mumble. "What ever come on let's go get Yuki." He sighs. We go to Headmaster or "farthers" office and pick up Yuki. "Behave yourself Zero watch Elizabeth." Headmaster calls before we leave.  "I will." He mumbles.

**** After a long argument to town****

We finally make it to town and I am about ready to kill Yuki. "Elizabeth didn't Kaname treat you like trash this morning and you still respect him." She snickers. And you still like Kaname  because he did what oh wait he saved your life I would have let you die. I hiss at her. "Stop fighting your giving me a headache." Zero says. "Oh get over it." I hiss at him. Try meh b-day Hey look at this shirt! Yuki says interrupting him. Hey don't interrupt. I yell at her. I stick my tongue out at Zero and he replies with at glare. After a few scowls to him Yuki finds a shirt for me. I don't want it its not my style. I complain. "Elizabeth you don't have a style all you wear is black." She sighs. Exactly that's not black! I say back. "Do you have this in red?" Yuki asks the man. "No sorry are you thinking of getting that?" He asks. No goodbye! I say running up to Zero. Zero stops and looks around. "What are they staring at?" I ask Zero. "Nothing there just looking at you wonder why a humans in a night class uniform." Zero wisphers. "Does Zero mean some of those people are vampires." I think. "Elizabeth Zero let's go get some ice cream!" Yuki says running up to us. "Can't I have to go buy some more food for tonight's supper." Zero mumbles and starts walking away.  "Wait Zero!" Yuki calls after him. "She stares at me and then says "He'll be fine right?" How am I suppose to know? I say and go sit down on a bench. Yuki sits down awkwardly and starts fiddling with her thumbs. "So Elizabeth how's Kaname treating you now?" She smiles at me. He keeps saying hurtful things and keeps making all the boys mad. I mumble. "Oh well that's nice to hear. 

We sit sliently a little while till a red streak goes across our eyes. I turn my head to see a little boy staring at his balloon that got stuck in the tree. HAHA serves you right you little brat. I laugh and Yuki hits my knee. RAPE! I yell at her. "Oh shut up I am going to go help that little boy.....

Auother Not: Hello if you read this anime you know what happens next but if you don't then you have a surprise inside. Also sorry about the rape thing its a joke that my friends and I made up so basically if you hit somebodies knee its child's rape. 

Also being serious I am going to have to change this like thing I have almost 170 reads and only 16 likes I am going to need 25 at least to continue chapter 8. -Elizabeth

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