we lived in the gaps between stories

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A Few Ficlet Requests from Yours Truly - Part One 

(Title from The Handmaid's Tale (honestly what is up with me this is like the third THT reference I've made here in like a week))

1. HowToBeABaguette101

"Peter accidentally calls Tony dad"

Peter was a little bit... tired.

A little more tired than one should be for a huge Chemistry test worth nearly as much as his exam would.

Sure, he was doing important things. He was Spider-Man for heaven's sake. Saving people from dying was a little bit more important than getting the recommended amount of sleep. Not according to May but whatever. His consequence was going to be getting the worst test grade back ever.

The words are swimming on the page and his pencil shakes dangerously in his hand.

Okay, he can admit, he shouldn't have come to school. He should've slept in, studied, and rested for a day and then come in tomorrow to do the test, but it's too late now.

Now, he's got the test in front of him and not only did he get the date wrong by two years and four months, he misspelled his own name.

And the teacher, Mister Stark, has been staring at him all hour with way too much worry.

Peter's fine. He's is. He swears.

Just because he's been sitting in this stupid chair for nearly sixty-five minutes without writing down a single attempt at an answer, doesn't mean anything.

Just because his hand is shaking and black spots are dancing across his vision like a ballet performance, doesn't mean anything.

"Mister Parker?" The teacher calls out.

Peter jolts, nearly knocking over his desk and definitely bruising his knees. He wasn't asleep. He wasn't.

The class is empty and Peter sighs. He's going to get a zero for this and his grade is going to drop. He might not even pass if he doesn't ace his exam. He's going to fail and he's going to lose his scholarship and May will never forgive him-

"Before you give yourself a heart attack, can I talk?" Mister Stark says. He pulls up a chair and sits down across from Peter, moving the test onto a vacant desk.

"I'm so sorry, Mister Stark. I swear I'm not a bad student, I just didn't sleep well last night and-"

The chemistry teacher sighs, the worry lines painted into his skin deepening. "I'm not here to reprimand you or say that you're a bad student, which I'm aware isn't the case. You've been working yourself too hard lately, Peter. You look exhausted."

It's not very normal for teachers, not even the well-off teachers of a STEM schools, to care about students enough to sit them down and speak like this. But it's nice. It's nice to know that May's not the only adult in the world who cares about him.

"I'm trying to make time for studying and staying on top of my classes, and I know my grades are slipping, but-"

"They're not," Mister Stark interrupts. "You've got the highest mark in this class. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you went from your current ninety-eight down to a ninety-five after this test, but you're not failing, Peter. At all."

Peter would've been more surprised had he not been so exhausted.

"Listen, Peter," Mister Stark continues, a sad look in his eyes. "I'm going to take you to the nurse and get you home, okay? And I better not see you at school tomorrow. The day after, you can take you test and when you finish, there's no rush, I'll catch you up on the lessons you missed. Sound good?"

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