Helpless Pleas - Irondad

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Tony's POV

"We good to go, Tony?" Cap asks over the intercom. "Bruce is ready to blow this whole thing up when you are?"

"Have you seen Peter? I haven't seen him yet. Peter?" I say, entirely ignoring Steve's words.

"Tony, it's going. It's ready. You've got exactly 27 seconds and counting until it blows up," Bruce says.

"Peter?! Underoos, do you copy? You have to be out of that building. Has anybody seen Spider-Man?" I question, practically shouting as I hover just above the building.

There was an issue with lots and lots of these little demon creatures that a company created. What they didn't expect to encounter was that the creatures have a venomous bite. The easiest way to destroy them all was to evacuate the building and blow the whole thing up. All the creatures are bound to die with the chemicals anyways, but blowing up seemed to be the easier way to go to destroy all the data and possibility of anyone creating more.

"12 seconds. You've gotta back away a bit further there, Iron Man. Peter isn't stupid enough to still be in the building," Bruce says. But he's wrong. If there was any possibility that Peter could sacrifice himself for the greater good, he would. There's a huge percent change he is still in that building. But there's no turning off the bomb now.

"C'mon, Pete. At least let us know that you're okay. Karen? C'mon, kid," I beg, flying a good distance away from the building.

There's a few seconds of staticky agony before Peter's voice comes through.

"-ark? Please. You've gotta... little.. save... Please..." Everything's choppy and confused and I hear Bruce counting down the last five seconds.

"Pete? Get out of the building!"

"-stuck. Please... I can't-"

The explosion makes my heart stop.

Peter is stuck inside that building as it comes down around him.

Oh god no.

The next few seconds are agony, watching the smoke rise and the floors collapse.

"Peter? God, Peter, come in? Are you okay? Talk to me, please," I beg, swooping into the scene as soon as I know it's safe enough.

"Mister Stark?" His voice is small and obviously petrified, but there. He's alive.

"Are you okay? Where are you, kid? Please tell me you're not in here somewhere," I demand, asking Friday for a heat scan and it takes a few moments, but yep, there he is, buried so far deep in the rubble.

"There was a little girl. She looked barely 7 years old, Mister Stark and I had to save her. I got her out, but the door way collapsed on my leg. I couldn't get out and my thingy wasn't working, and then everything was really loud and scary. I was on the first floor when it collapsed so everything's on top of me right now. It hurts, Mister Stark. Please, you've gotta get me out of here," he rambles, voice higher than it normally is.

"What hurts? Specifically Peter?" I ask, trying to find a way to start pulling the cement chunks off him without causing more damage.

"My back," he lets out a choked sob. "There's water, Mister Stark. I think a pipe burst..." he takes a few seconds to try to calm down before he's speaking again. "There's a big slab of it that landed on me. I caught it, but I think I'm holding up most of the building on my back right now. Just enough so I don't die. Oh god, what if I die? Am I going to die?"

"You're holding up the building?!" I exclaim, analyzing the visual Friday got me from Karen. It looks awful. Peter's pressed to the floor, a wide piece of flooring held up mostly by his shoulder blades, leg still trapped under where the door collapsed. It's almost entirely sealed in. And he's right. A pipe did burst and the water is slowly going to fill up the little cave that Peter's stuck in.

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