Helpless Pleas - Irondad (Part Two)

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Do you guys want to see longer oneshots like a lot of the ones on AO3 or do you like them this length? I was thinking about writing a 5+1 Irondad/Spiderson story but was wondering if yall would be interested in a long oneshot??

Tony's POV

"What the hell do you mean he's in hospital?! I swear to god, Stark, I will kick your ass if my boy got hurt because of this stupid mission!" May exclaims, covering up her worry with anger towards me.

I can't fight back. "I know, May, and I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was in the building and we blew it up. He got trapped underneath. He's in the hospital at the tower."

"What's the medical report? I'm a nurse, you know? Lay it on me. How hurt is my boy?" she asks. I can hear the car running in the background.

"Broken ribs, punctured lung, concussion, broken leg, fractured ribs, blood loss, water in his lungs, internal bleeding. Bad stuff," I explain carefully.

I can feel her worry through the phone, but I can't comfort her. There's a smaller percentage he's actually going to pull through this one. I can't tell her that's he's going to be just fine, because I don't even know if he will be.

"What happened? Why was he in the building?" She finally asks, sounding breathy. She's probably holding back tears.

"We thought we had evacuated the whole building, but a little girl had run back inside. Peter followed her in and helped her get out. The doorway collapsed on his leg before he could get out as well. His communicator malfunctioned and he couldn't let us know he was still in there and he couldn't get out by himself. And we blew it up," I explain, guilt weighing heavily on my chest.

She lets out a breathy laugh. "Of course he did. Stupid selflessness. I don't know where he got that from, but I wish I could take it away from him."

"Me too... Me too," I sigh.

"I'll be there in 20, Okay? Just hang in there and tell him to hang in there too."


When May shows up, I'm still sitting in the same spot as before, collapsed in a chair outside Peter's hospital room. They're still working on fixing him, so I'm not allowed in to watch or help.

I stand when May arrives, expecting her to hit me or scream at me for getting her kid into trouble, but she hugs me gently then sits in the chair beside mine.

"Thank you for making sure he got out of there. Thank you for getting him to a hospital," she says, smiling softly.

"It was my fault he's here in the first place. He shouldn't even be in the hospital," I mutter grimly. "I should've kept a better eye on him. Should've found him when he wasn't answering his calls."

"This isn't your fault, Tony. Blaming yourself won't help him. I shouldn't have let him go on the mission in the first place, but this isn't my fault and it's no yours either. This is that company's fault for creating those monsters in the first place. I don't know... But you saved my kid, Tony. And you probably talked him through the whole thing," she says, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

I nod, staying silent. Hearing that from May, the one person who was supposed to be pissed beyond words, telling me it wasn't my fault is refreshing, makes me feel like I did do something. I did keep him as calm as I could while he was trapped, which counts for something I guess.

We sit waiting for what honestly feels like years. Just waiting and waiting and waiting for news on whether or not he's alive.

And finally, finally, when everything feels hopeless and wrong and awful, the head doctor walks out of the room dutifully.

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