would you be so kind (as to fall in love with me)

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Requested by 21_beebos

(Normally I put my requests in my new request book (wink-wink-self-promo-alert) but I spent way too long working on this and I don't hate it, so I figured I should put it here for all of yall to see) 



Flash knew he shouldn't have thought what he did when he saw the nerdiest kid in school, but damn the boy was cute. With curly brown hair and doe brown eyes and the biggest heart and endless intelligence. It really wasn't Flash's fault for finding himself with a mild crush on his classmate.

He knew he was gay. He'd known for a very long time, but it'd been easy enough to keep a secret when he'd never seen someone that caught his eye. It'd been easy enough to pretend to think girls were attractive to him and that boys were just boys and not crushes.

But then, on a dreary autumn morning, he'd seen Peter Parker wearing a dorky outfit and thick glasses and carrying a stack of books in his arms, a ratty backpack slung loosely over his shoulders, and laughing at something his friend had said.

It really wasn't Flash's fault for his crush, he blames Peter entirely.


He wants to be Peter's friend. He just hasn't worked up the courage to talk to the boy in his AP Chemistry and English. He doesn't know how.

But all of his long-distance pining comes to an end one day when his father picks him up after school.

He sees Peter sitting on the front steps of the school with Ned, a stack of books at his feet and glasses crooked on his nose, looking just as pretty as ever in the afternoon sunlight to Flash.

"Don't cross paths with those kinds of people," his father says. Flash hates the way he stresses Those Kinds like Peter is less than them.

Outside, Peter laughs, bright and innocent at something Ned says.

"Of course not," Flash agrees because he doesn't quite know what to say.

"What a fag," his father mutters before they're peeling out of the parking lot and away from the school.

Flash doesn't know how to do anything but agree, shame filling him to the brim.


His father's never hit him, has never laid a hand on him, but the way he shouts, the disappointment in his eyes when he sends Flash up to his room, the shame.

It feels worse than a punch would.


Something inside him snaps when he sees Peter one day, riddled with guilt over his hidden secret and angry because his father shouted at him for hours the night before.

He shoves Peter when they're walking down the stairs out of school.

He'll never forget the sad and confused expression from Peter, rubbing his bleeding palms and staring up at Flash, making Flash feel like he kicked a puppy.

But his father smiles at him when he gets into the car, congratulating him for putting the freak in his place.

Is it worth it? No, he shouldn't be so selfish as to ruin another kid's life just to get his father's approval. That's not who he is. But he doesn't care. His mother will be home in just a few days and all hell will break loose.

He's right, of course he was.

As soon as his mother arrives home, the shouting begins once again.

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