Chapter 12

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Did I just heard that wrong?

"W-what?" I gulped nervously.

He held my hand with his both hands and sighed.

"I said I like you" He looked at me straight into my eyes.

I was flustered but at the same time flattered too. I didn't even know that he was going to confess to me anyways but the time is here right now. I thought we're just going to be friends forever you know.

"Uhh noona... It's ok if you don't-" Before he'll say anything, I shushed his mouth with my finger on the other hand.

"Chang-ah, I like you too" I held both of his hands and smiled.

"I know we've just met few days ago but... Will you be-?"

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend"

He looked so surprised that I even knew what he meant.

"R-really?!" He covered his mouth with his both of his hands and that was an unbelievable moment to him.

I nodded.

"Thank you, Noona" He pulled me to his embrace and I hugged him back. We were so happy that we're officially dating now.

My heart is even crying right now, huhuhu.

He pulled back and held the both of my cheeks. He gently caressed it and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

With no hesitation, he lined in first and I did it the same too.

Our lips touched and it was so warm.

I didn't know that he was a good kisser. He kissed me gently and passionately.

Gosh! My hearteuuuu!!!

After a long kissed, he touched my forehead and smiled widely.

"I'm so happy to be with you right now, Jagi" He chuckled.

"Yah! Stop that! You make me more flatter" I blushed shyly and gently pulled away. "C'mon let's prepare dinner, Jagiya" I pulled his hand and went downstairs.

In the kitchen, I was preparing a bibimbap for our dinner tonight.

While I was cutting some ingredients, I sensed a touch that the hands were wrapped around my waist and that's obviously I.M.

"Yah, Jagiya... I'm busy cutting here. Let's do it later" I was distracted by him.

"But I want to hug you always and forever" He pouted cutely.

I poked his cheeks and...

Oh mah gadd! He's so cute!!

"Stop pouting, or else I might die from your cuteness" I teased him.

"Yah!" He chuckled and gently pulled away.

"Just tell me what to do next because I'll be sitting for awhile" He patted my head and winked.

Oh. My poor heart!

I'm melting here!

"Jagi! Come here!" I called out his name and he appeared infront of me.

"You know how to make bibimbap right?" I asked him curiously.

"Yeah?" He shrugged.

I looked at him plainly.

"Of course I know how to cook" He said proudly as he pat his chest twice.

"You better know how to or else I'm going slaughter you into pieces" I glared at him as I raised up the knife, I was holding and he eyes looked terrified, blinking uncontrollably and stepped a little backward, positioned himself when there's an enemy infront of him.

"Yah! Stop that! You're more scarier than Chucky!" His voice were cracking up.

"Yah!" I put it down and pouted, crossing my arms and sulked.

"Welp, that's true. Come here~" He hugged me and I'm still sulking while he gave me a worried look.

"I'm just kidding, ok?" He said in a cute voice and did his puppy eyes.

It was supposed to be an act that I'm mad at him but sadly, I failed :'(.

I suddenly burst out laughing as he changed his face into a serious one quickly.

"Really? You're embarrassing me" He said coldly.

"Awww, my little pup is mad. Then fine, no dinner for you" I winked cheekily as he changed his face again into a sad one.

Just how many masks did he wear everyday? That pup is really something. Hehh~~

"Aishh! I'm sorry" He apologized cutely. Playing with his index together poutedly.

"Aigoo~ how can I reject your cuteness" I laughed.

"Okayyy, help me out. I'm going to prepare the table and you are going to measure these ingredients, got it?" I gave him the instructions and he nodded cutely.

Arghh! I wish I can squish him!

Apparently... I should get back to work. Tata~~

Meet The Bad Boy// Chae HyungwonWhere stories live. Discover now