Chapter 38

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I.M.'s POV

"Changkyun... Let's break up... I hate you" She sniffed and ran away from me instantly.

I sighed in frustration and Sinhee comforted me in a sensual way but I wasn't in a good mood for that. So I wanted to have my own time for now.

I feel ashamed and guilty at the same time. If only I told Minhye the truth...

People were confused about what happened between us but knew that we officially break up just now.

Should I be happy or sad? I mean I want to be with Sinhee again but seeing Minhye down... Makes me want to regret the things I had done to her...

I'll try to talk to her later and gotta fix these things.

Minhye's POV

I took the stairs and continued to ran away until my legs gave out and I ended in the balcony.

I sat down and needed some time alone for now.

The moon lights so brightly and wind howled with their freshly breeze, passing through me. Slowly made me better again.

I kept thinking about how he did that to me, so foolishly wrong.

I pushed all my tears away and felt betrayed.

I sighed. I heard a familiar voice behind my back, expecting that I.M. followed me. But that voice was different.

"Pres?" An unknown voice asked.

"Yeah, it's your president" I replied.

"It's Chae"

I turned back and it's really Hyungwon.

He came closer and sat beside me calmly.

"Mind if you tell me what happened?" He asked with a slight smirked on his face.

"You really wanna mess with me?" I turned to facd him and sighed of tiredness.

"Am I? Just wanna comfort you" He said.

"I don't know I mean... Did he cheated on me?" I lowered my head and I can feel a hand on my back, rubbing it.

"Lemme tell you a secret" He said it with determination.

"Secret? And you're going to tell it?" I asked sarcastically. Not in a mood again.

"Yep last week when you're asleep. I accidentally overheard the conversation of them, Sinhee and Changkyun. He wants her back but he wanted to tell you the truth that your relationship with him is not working anymore. So he waited for this day and... That thing happened, so yeah..." He said as he looked in the sky with his saddened eyes and a weak smile plastered on his face.

"What do you mean he wants her back?" I curiosly asked in a pity way.

"I.M. loves her and regret for breaking her up, so she gave him another chance... He also loves you but only as a friend and nothing more. He still cares for you after you instantly ran away from us ended up here in the balcony. He felt guilty for not telling you, doesn't know what to feel either. Also he's not playing on you. He just knew that your relationship is not working anymore" He said with an upper slight curve on his face.

"But why did he kissed her and not telling me that our relationship is not working anymore?" I asked sadly.

"He was afraid and didn't know that you might come to the party. He was unsecured today" He said.

"Oh I see" There more other questions I could think about... I'll save them for awhile since I was tired.

"No more questions?" Now he's the one who asked me.

"Nope. I'm tireddd" I sighed and feel like I've been carrying many stones in my back which made me slouch.

He stood up and gestured a hand.

"This is just the beginning. Don't be weak. You're strong right? Boys hate seeing girls being fragile just because of the break-ups things. Show him that you're different and be determined that I'm always here for you" He said with full of determination coming out from his mouth and he was right.

I must be strong. It's just a break-up and what's with that?

I nodded and stood up, accepting his hand and returning to the ball room again.

He held my hand tightly, walking formally with a straight gesture on his body with a smile on his face.

When we reached at the entrance, I sighed in nervousness and slowly opened the door.

Thank goodness that they weren't many people looking at us as we passed through. We stopped at the dance floor and a romantic song again played.

"Now, remember that I'm always here for you. How about we'll enjoy this for awhile?" He put right hand on my waist and I put my left hand on his shoulder while the other hand, we held interlocked it.

"Sure" I grinned.

We started to dance in rhythm and lights were pointing in us. I heard them saying 'oooohhh' in unison, looking at us in awe but we didn't even care about it since we were enjoying this moment.

I deeply looked into his eyes not wanting to look at the other person except him. My heart kept saying that I've been falling for him but my mind says no.

It gives me chills and relaxation and inside... I've been screaming happily that I ever got the chance to dance with him.

My heart keeps beating like crazy and it makes me more flatter.

He pulled me closer and hugged me inside his arms.

Almost everyone dropped their jaws seeing these things but we didn't mind about it.

I put my hands on his chest to distance myself but kept pulling me more closer, like nothing leaving a space between us.

Sweats kept rolling down on my face and he leaned on my ear, whispering.

"I Love You, Minhye"

He pulled back and held my hands closely then suddenly kissed me directly on my lips with my eyes opened, without me uttered a word a bit.

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