Save Ya Coins Sus

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So check this out you are gonna feel what a broke college student is in about I say around October which is next month 😂 especially if you're away from home like some hours.

Now going through the broke college student cycle is hard and funny cuz u done hit $1.45 on your card. 😂 majority of your meals are noodles, sandwiches, those snacks you never touched until now when you broke. Your gonna start wanting to do stuff and go out but you can't cuz you have noooo money 🤦🏾‍♀️

So to avoid that cycle sus save ya coins !

Don't buy your books from the bookstore them lil mfs be over charging on them books sometimes so see if you can find them on Chegg (reliable source) they always have books for the low low.

Try Amazon (that's where I get my books😉) amazon will let you rent the books for $20-$50 and that's much better than paying a hundred and something to me don't you think 🤷🏾‍♀️ They will let you rent the book the whole semester and you send it back in December which is good because round that time your taking exams 🙄

And if those don't work ask the higher class if they have any books they might trying to sell cuz all college students got some books they don't mind selling on the low for some quick bucks and majority of the time the books be brand spanking new.

And also check ya library sometimes books can be hiding in there and you can sometimes get the book on audio for free. My school has that for some books so just check around before you give the bookstore your money.
But although the bookstore full of shit you can sell them the book back when done with it. Might not get half of what you paid for it but hey it's coins🤷🏾‍♀️

Also if you're folks are giving you a monthly money be smart with it ! 🧐 Put some BACK for saving! Even $5 or $10 is good to be back! That money will add up cuz something always happens and you will be happy you had that lil stash back 🤑

And y'all STAY AWAY FROM ON CAMPUS FOOD RESTAURANTS !!! Y'all we have a chick-fil- a on our campus and I promise I done spent at least $500 plus at that place.

Lmao funny story bout that though my freshman year i stayed like 3-4 hours away from home. So my momma sent me money every month it would be like $150 or so and I kid you not I actually spent $100 in one week at the lil chick-fil- a we had on campus 💀😂

So be careful with on campus food restaurants because they will have you BROKE 🤕. So find snacks and lil microwave foods to eat every now and then. Because food will make you be like damn I really spent all that money on food 😕

Just save and be smart on ya purchases ! Set a spending limit for yourself to help. Because becoming a broke college student can happen so QUICKLY sus 🤕🤦🏾‍♀️

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