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Toy 1

So here's the first update!

Fact: I hate feet. I always wear socks and I make everyone else wear them too, if they are in my presence.

Lol, bye guys! -C


Harry's POV:

"Mmm.. Stop it," I mumble sleepily, feeling something wet on my face. Opening my eyes, I'm face to face with my cat, Lola.

"Wow, I'm lonely," groaning, I roll out my bed to check the mail. Once up, I stretch until there is an audible crack echoing through the room. I walk out and open the small metal box outside of my door containing my mail.

Dropping it on the computer desk, I plod to my large kitchen, too large for one person, and toast up some bread. Once it's popped, which by the way scares the shit outta me every single time, I butter it and head over to the computer desk to open the mail.

Most of it was just bills, but one caught my eye. It had the words 'For your eyes only, Harold,' printed in bold at the top. So out of pure curiosity, I opened it. It was a slip of paper that read,'Congratulations Harold! You have been chosen be one of the few to have the perfect boyfriend. No more being a third-wheel to your friends and their lovers, no more nights alone with your hand. Just go to the link in your e-mail and it will all be over!'

I put the letter down and wiggled my mouse. My Mac's screen came to life and I logged into my Gmail account. As said in the letter there was an email. I clicked the link. Another screen popped up, the websites name caught my eye. 'Build-A-Lover,' shrugging I scrolled down. A neon green start button called for me to click on it. So I did. I thought it would be a joke.

Once I did, it asked me questions about myself. Male or female? Male. Heterosexual or homosexual? Homosexual. Height? 68 inches. Weight? 120 pounds. Age? 19. Big spoon or small spoon? Small spoon. It then lead me to a blue button that read 'build.' I clicked it and waited for it to load. It proceeded to ask me questions about my 'soon-to-be lover.' Male or Female? Male. Skin colour? Slightly tanned. Hair colour? Black. Eye colour? Hazel. Height? 77 inches. Build? Fit. Cuddly? Yes. Cook? Yes. Big or small spoon? Big spoon. Accent? Bradford. Cock size? 11 inches. Intelligence? Yes. Age? 21. Once I had answered all of them it asked for my address. I put it in and then it asked for the delivery date. I put in three days. Once I was done, it flashed a message that read 'Only for your eyes! DO NOT TELL ANYONE.' I accepted. This ought to be funny.


As you can guess I'm not a big fan of prologues. But anyways good or not? -C





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