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Back babes!!

Fact: When I sleep I tend to cuddle, talk, and wiggle around.

Bye for now! -C


Harry's POV:

- A Few Days Later -

Things with Zayn have been great. I found out a couple of things about him too. His body works just like a human's would. We even took a bath together.

- Flashback -

"Harreh, you reek," Zayn exclaimed, all while holding his nose, causing his voice to sound nasal-y. Shaking my head I climbed on him and lifted my armpit to his face. He pulled a face, which was very ugly, and pushed me onto the floor. "But Zaynie, your supposed to love me and all of my flaws!" Shaking his head he grabbed me off the floor and slung me over his shoulder. "Where are you taking me? Are you going to rape me? RAPE, I REPEAT RA-," he cut me off by slapping a hand over my mouth. "No, I'm not going to rape you, we're going to take a bath, doofus. And it's not rape if you like it," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

While he ran the water I sat on the counter swinging my legs. Once the bath was ready he stripped us both and put me in the tub. He lowered himself in, behind me of course. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder.

- End Of Flashback -

We are now sitting in the kitchen, eating the steak and fried asparagus Zayn prepared for us. "How is it Haribo?" I look up from my plate to Zayn and swallow. "Horrible. I hate it." He frowns deeply, and then looks at me getting up to take my plate. "Zayn, babe I'm kidding. Everything you make is fantastic." "But you said-," I cut him off with a kiss. "I know, I was messing with you." He nods and sits back down to finish his meal. When we were finished he picked up the plates and rinsed them off and dropped them into the dishwasher.

Suddenly, he picked me up and rushed outside, both of us only in boxers. Our neighbors come out and give us funny looks. We just smile and keep running. "Wanna meet Niall," I yell out. "Ya, but what about our clothes," he answers back. I shrug,"He won't care." We reach Niall's place a few minutes later. I reach under the doormat for the key and unlock the door. "I'M HOME!" Niall runs out of the kitchen, only to stop and look at us. "Haz, are you drunk?" He looks at us questioningly. "No, I just wanted you to meet my boyfriend! Is that so wrong," I say. Shaking his head he makes his way over to us, finally noticing Zayn. He holds out his hand,"Mah name's Niall. And you are!" Zayn shakes his hand,"Zayn, Zayn Malik." Leaning over to me, Niall whispers,"He's a looker, eh mate?" I nod.

We spend most of the day at Niall's place. At about 10, we decided to leave. Zayn picked me up again and ran over to our home. Upon arrival, he twisted the knob and opened our door. He then ran up the stairs and into my- our bedroom. Since we were already in boxers we just hopped into my bed. We cuddled up, him being the big spoon, went to sleep.


Wrote this in my notes. Was it good? New topic: I want to write another Zarry story. This one will be a zombie one though. Yah or nah? Answer I. The comments. Bye guys! -C

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