Part Two finding your family. Danny and Kyrklind's first adventure together.

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    On day one of semester two. Fifteen year old Idina Kyrklind Fenton walked into Casper high school with her headphones in listening to Everlong by one of her favorite bands Foo Fighters. Idina who preferred to be called by her middle name Kyrklind is a tomboy who loves:music, science, sports, NASA astronomy, astrophysics, physics,hard rock, heavy metal, classic rock, Van Halen Guns N' Roses, Foo Fighters, tomboyish makeup, blue, green, teal, sea foam green, robins egg blue, any shade of blue, any shade of green, technology, learning to drive her Dodge Challenger, singing, playing guitar, playing piano/keyboards, playing bass, her MacBook, her iPhone, technology, robotics, Jurassic Park, and Jurassic World. Kyrklind had long waist length light brown hair with gold and red in it. She usually always tired her long brown hair back into a long waist length French braid and wore a blue, green, teal, sea foam green, robins egg blue, or a natural colored headband to keep her bangs out of her face as well as there were no pieces of hair in her face. Kyrklind had big beautiful brown eyes, on her eyelids she wore tomboyish makeup. As in either blue or green eyeshadows, black eyeliner, and mascara. On her lips, she would wear either blue, green, or natural colored lip glosses. Kyrklind always wore or loved wearing a band shirt as in her top three bands: Van Halen, Guns N Roses, and Foo Fighters shirts. As well as bootcut jeans, a belt, and sneakers being either converse high tops or Nike trainers. Kyrklind loved being and dressing like a tomboy. 

 During Kyrklind's freshman year she had a hard time fitting in with her fellow classmates. It was hard being a tomboy and knowing if she was beautiful. To her, enjoying what she liked made her beautiful and know that she was beautiful. On the first day back from Christmas break Kyrklind was both happy and upset to come back to school. Only she felt the happiest bout hopefully being able to try and find her biological family as her New Years resolution to end her freshman year of high school. In her mind she dreamed of her memories of her biological family. Also in her mind she dreamed of all the popular kids at school leaving her alone and stop bullying her.
On the first day back, Kyrklind was actually happy until role call in class. During role call the teachers butchered her name her real first name. "Ideenya Fenton" said Kyrklind's first hour teacher. "It's I-Dina but I prefer to be called Kyrklind actually" she replied. After the first class and the teacher butchering Kyrklind's name all she thought was "only one teacher butchers my name. Hopefully they'll get right next hour and the rest of the day." The next class was P.E one of Kyrklind's favorite subjects and playing sports. The moment she arrived to class, the first thought in Kyrklind's head was "one of my favorite classes. Hopefully my name will not get butchered in here." During role call, Kyrklind's thought and dream was shattered once more. "Idunia Fenton" said the P.E coach. Kyrklind said all irritatedly responded with "it's I-Dina only I prefer to be called Kyrklind Fenton" Right after an embarrassing role call and all the rules in P.E the students got to play with volleyballs and basketballs. While playing with it in class, two bullies named Dash Baxter and Kwan came up to Kyrklind and took the basketball from her. "Hey Fentinia! We can make more and better baskets than you! As well as you and Danny have the same last name so we will make fun of the both of you now!" At that very moment two thoughts ran though Kyrklind's mind. The thought of Danny reminded her of her biological family and twin brother named Danny. As well as standing up to the two bullies who took her basketball. Right after the two thoughts Kyrklind ran and got the basketball back.Right after class Kyrklind went to her locker and the thoughts of her twin brother were racing in her head. She remembered her twin brother and all the memories she had about playing with him when they were kids. Only he didn't remember either her or memories of her. The moment Kyrklind was at her locker Dash and Kwan cane up to bully her again. "Hey Fentinina got everything from your locker yet?" Screamed Dash, instantly Kyrklind was about to fight back when a hand grabbed her and carried her to safety.

 ''Are you okay kid?" Said a voice. The moment Kyrklind was about to say "sure thanks for saving me" she looked up and saw a kid with black spiky hair and blue eyes. The boy who saved her was her twin brother Danny Fenton. "I'm aright thanks for saving me" replied Kyrklind. Her rescuer was her brother only she didn't know how to tell him and have him believe her. "I'm Danny Fenton nice to meet you" said Danny. Kyrklind pretended to act like she didn't know her twin brother while she did and was unsure how to tell him and have him believe her that they were twin brother and sister. "I'm Kyrklind, Kyrklind Fenton" said Kyrklind. That very moment Danny was shocked about the fact they not only had the same name but looked a lot alike minus their eyes and their hair. They were twins minus the fact Danny had black hair and blue eyes while Kyrklind had brown eyes and brown hair. Right away Danny liked Kyrklind and begin to build a relationship with her. Right away Kyrklind began to like her brother. Still she wasn't too sure about how she'd try and tell him the truth about them being twin brother and sister. During the day Danny stayed with Kyrklind no matter what. While they stayed together, they talked and got to know each other more and more. Kyrklind still questioned how she'd tell him they truly were brother and sister.  At lunch that day Kyrklind sat in a corner of the cafeteria with her lunch and headphones. She liked sitting by herself listening to either Van Halen, Guns N Roses or Foo Fighters. To her it made her feel better and confident to eventually talk to Danny and tell him they were truly related. While Kyrklind listened to Estranged by Guns N Roses especially after the piano solo of the song she felt she could now talk to Danny bout them being lost lost twins.
Then Kyrklind felt her time had come as she saw Danny and his two friends coming into the cafeteria. "Hi Kyrklind come join me and my two best friends today" said Danny. With a huge smile on her face, Kyrklind happily agreed to join her brother and his friends. "This is Sam and this is Tucker" said Danny. The girl Sam had long black hair and a little ponytail on the top of her head. She also had purple eyes and lips. She dressed all gothic. The boy Tucker had brown eyes, brown lips, brown skin, and glasses. He wore an orange hat as well as he was a techno-geek. "Great meeting you Sam and Tucker, I'm Kyrklind Fenton Danny's long lost twin sister!" Said Kyrklind all excitedly. The moment Kyrklind said that she was Danny's twin sister, Danny had a look of shock and surprised look in his face. "How are we twin brother and sister as well as how are you my long lost sister?" Asked Danny in shock. Then Kyrklind took a deep breath to try and tell her brother her whole backstory of how they were related. The moment she began to talk, Dash and Kwan came by the table to bully Danny, Sam, Tucker, and Kyrklind. The moment they arrived Kyrklind who was already tired of them bullying her and Danny stood up to the two bullies. 

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