Right as the twins got back to home from their last day of school and their party after school. Their house was filled with decorations, gifts, cards, and two happy parents as well as a happy sister. The twins were thrilled that all of their graduation activities were at last happening and that they were closer to their futures and college. The moment the twins, their parents, and Jazz all had a moment together they were hugging one another, talking about their graduation party the next day and when they'ed go off to college. After the Fenton family talked about the twins graduation activities, they loaded up in the car and went to a celebration dinner for the twins graduation. At dinner the twins were each given an early gift for graduation before they could open all the gifts from their friends, family, and anyone who was invited to their party. While the twins both ate dinner and opened their gifts from their parents they still were thinking about what could happen leading up to graduation as well as if they're have to fight off any ghosts they fought in the past years of their high school career.
On Saturday it was time for the twins graduation party. As the twins waited for both their party to begin and the guests of the party to arrive at their house the twins talked all about their high school days, fighting ghosts together, and if any of the ghosts they fought in the past would try to interrupt their graduation and their graduation party. At 1:00 PM the twins party began and their guests arrived at the party. At the party as friends, family, family friends and Kyrklind's adoptive parents and family were at the party. Kyrklind's adoptive family finally met her biological family. As the two families talked Jack and Maddie talked to Kyrklind's adoptive family and was thanking them for both finding and keeping their daughter safe while she was searching for her biological family. At 5:00 as the party was wrapping up the twins were thanking a their guests, beginning to write thank you notes for all the gifts they received from all their guests and family. Right after the twins did all they needed to do, Kyrklind transformed and decided to fly around for fun. During her flying around, Kyrklind was hopefully that there were no ghosts to have to go and fight. For days leading up to the twins and their friends actual graduation they would often fly around in their ghost forms and they would talk about their best times together, fighting ghosts together, and their future plans after graduation. Danny decided that he wanted to major in astronomy to become an astronaut and work for NASA. While he decided to minor in computer science.
When the big day finally arrived the twins had to get up early at 10:00 AM to quickly practice through graduation that night. At the ceremony the teens could sit with who they wanted so the twins decided they would sit with each other, as well as Sam, Tucker and Ophelia. As the twins and their friends say together at graduation practice they were told what the night would be like, what they could and couldn't do, and when they got their diplomas then threw their caps in the air then graduate high school. Once practice was finished at noon the teens were dismissed to begin getting ready for the big night. While the twins were getting ready Kyrklind was taking out her braid to reveal curly hair resembling Issac Newton and she had a gold headband in her hair. She began to wear the cloth stretchy athletic headbands her senior year as well as in her ghost form transformation After Kyrklind did her hair she started to put on her nice top then she put on a blue skirt. Kyrklind didn't want to wear the girly clothes,only she had to wear it. Then she put on her gold colored sandals. After Kyrklind was all dressed Danny began to get dressed he wore a suit, tie, dress pants, and nice boots. Once ready the twins didn't need to be at school til 6:00 it was 1:00 and they had tons of time to relax and do what they wanted to do before they had to get to school then get ready to walk the stage.
While Kyrklind listened to Disenchanted Lullaby acoustic by Foo Fighters her ghost sense appeared. At the same time Danny's ghost sense also appeared. Quickly as the twins could they hurried to find each other. The moment the teens saw each other they both saw each other's ghost senses, then the opened the door of their house, looked up then saw all the ghosts they fought together or individually. All the villains were resurrected and were alive even if the twins thought that they killed them or got rid of them somehow. Then the twins quickly went inside their house. "Outside is every villain we've fought either together or by ourselves. We've had our powers now for four years we got them when we were fourteen now we're eighteen and we finally can control them and we know enough about our powers and abilities." Kyrklind told Danny. "Let's do this we can finally defeat every villain we have ever fought. We can do this together let's do this!" Danny told Kyrklind. At that very moment the twins put their arms in together and at the same time said "I'm going ghost!" in unison and spot on. At that moment Danny's spiky black hair turned pure white, his blue eyes turned green, his suit become his ghost fighting suit, his bare hands turned into his gloved hands, and his dress boots turned into his ghost fighting boots while his powers swirled around him turning him from human to ghost. Then Kyrklind's black with a streak of blue hair dye in it waist length curly hair turned into her pure white French braid, her blue normal headband turned into her stretchy athletic headband turned white ,her brown eyes turned green, her top and skirt turned into her ghost fighting suit, her bare hands turned into her gloved hands, and finally her sandals turned into her boots with a little heel and a sharp toe. While music, astronomy, physics, astrophysics and regular ghost powers all swirled around Kyrklind changing her from human to ghost transformed into their ghost forms the twins. Once again the twins put their arms in, then in perfect unison again said "let's go kick all these villains butts then graduate high school together!" With that the twins flew outside to fight all the villains they ever fought.
The adventures of Danny and Kyrklind Phantom
AdventureKyrklind Fenton sets off on an adventure to find her family. As well as find love and team up with her twin brother who share the same secret with each other. They set off on adventures together and save the world. Along the way the twins learn life...