Kyrklind Phantom saves the show.

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  After school one day Kyrklind Fenton had to get to musical practice for the fall musical The Pajama Game.  She had to miss a lot of practices for other activities like Golf. So she was upset and confused with everything going on. She was unsure if she should quit the show and do her other activities or try to be tough, get though it, and have the time of her life performing the show. In the past Kyrklind was in the shows at school, and she had a great time performing in them. Only this time it wasn't fun or a fun show to be in. Everyone except for the leads and supporting characters knew what they had to do in the show. While the chorus part of what Kyrklind was were unsure about their parts in the show.

  One night at practice all that Kyrklind had to do with sit quietly for her cue to get on stage for her part. The cast practiced til 5:00 every night after school. All night Kyrklind stayed backstage quietly waiting while everyone else backstage talked, laughed,screamed, yelled, and were annoying. Kyrklind got annoyed with everything going on so she put in her headphones and listened to Sweet Child O' mine by Guns N Roses. Hearing the song made it better to be backstage and wait. Still she got annoyed and felt like she needed to escape, then she remembered her powers. While no one looked she ran into the costume closet and then decided to transform. After she transformed into her ghost form she levitated out of the closet up to heavens where the props and some sets from previous shows were stored at. Once out of heavens Kyrklind flew outside and listened to music on her iPhone. All that Kyrklind had on her mind was her music and fighting ghosts with her brother Danny. She thought that their best adventure together was when they fought the witches Collette and McKenzie earlier that fall. While Kyrklind thought back to that adventure she looked at her iPhone the time was 4:59 and that practice was over at 5:00. At that time Kyrklind remained invisible and flew to her car. Kyrklind then found out that the chorus of the show didn't get to practice at all that day all because the leads and supporting characters had trouble with their lines, their songs, and their dancing.  

  On the way home from practice as Kyrklind drove home, she still was thinking bout the show as in if she'd keep going to practice or if she should do her other activities she is involved in and with at school. When Kyrklind arrived home her parents Jack and Maddie Fenton asked her how both school and the practice went. Kyrklind lied and said "it was alright today. Gonna go back up to my room to read and blast music loudly." Part of her lie wasn't a lie, school was alright, only it was practice for the musical that was awful. Up in her room while Kyrklind listened to Wheels by Foo Fighters and read her Foo Fighters book she felt relaxed and better to be back home and have time for herself. While she read and listened to her music she continued to struggle with her decision to quit or not quit the show. At 5:00 the  Fentons called their children to dinner. As Kyrklind climbed down the stairs to go to the kitchen she had her iPhone and her headphones in listening to White Limo by Foo Fighters. The moment she sat at the table Kyrklind took out her headphones and paused the song on her iPhone.  At dinner the Fentons all talked about everything going on lately. Kyrklind sat there nervously poking at her pork roast. While eating dinner Kyrklind's mind churned and turned as she thought about school and the musical as in if she'd quit or if she'd keep going. When Jack Fenton asked her if there was anything she'd like to say about school. She just nervously said "it's alright. There's not a lot of things going on that are exciting." Her parents just kept eating and didn't say a thing. After both dinner and dessert Kyrklind put her headphones back in and listened to White Limo.
 Up in her room all Kyrklind could think about was her choice about if she should continue or quit the show. While Kyrklind sat in her room reading and listening to music her mind felt better and she felt like she'd give it another go the next day as well as go a few more days then decide if she'd quit or keep going. While in her room Kyrklind felt that going to a few more practices to make up her mind was a great idea. She then looked at her practice schedule and it turned out that she had to practice on Friday after school. 

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