Chapter 1 : My Family

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Hiya, my name's Jaileen I have a pretty normal life. I am in a relationship with Jai Brooks, yeah the one in the Janoskians! I live in a family of 12 and no you didn't read that wrong, A FAMILY OF TWELVE. They are not all my mum's and dad's some of them are adopted but I just love them as if they were my real brother of sister. I am gonna give you a short summary of all my family.

Dad: A very hard working dad and is a manager in a bank.

Mum: A kind, hard working, pretty women. She can't go to work since she has to take care of us but we still manage to live with dad's wage.

Jacob: Eldest brother and is 21 years. He doesn't like to party at all. He is in uni and he spends his weekends studying or helping mum. Jacob is in a relationship with Kayla, they've been going out for four years and they met in school.

Kurt: Aged 19 years. He's the total opposite of Jacob. He's a party animal, he gets invited to every single party and he's got all the girls after him. He still manages to study and don't ask me how because I don't know.

Adele: She's 17 and she's my twin. She doesn't look a thing like me. She has blonde straight hair and brown eyes and I have black natural curly hair and my eyes are blue. She's shorter than. The only two things we have in common is our body, we are both slim and she is dating Luke Brooks. Yes, it is really funny when we go on double dates: twins dating twins. She's the athletic one. Name any sport and she'll be good at it.

Me,Jaileen: First of all I never planned out to be going with a boy named with the male version of my name: Jai. I have black curly hair and I'm quite tall and slim. I'm like my brother Kurt I'm a party animal but I don't go out every single weekend and I don't have boys throwing themselves at me... FOTRUNATELY. I'm a straight A student and trust me it's not an easy thing everyone knowing that becasue I can't get a freakin B becasue it the next morning it will be the only thing people will be talking about.

Kaia and Alan: Well I cant' actually tell you about them cause they are still 3 months old. Kaia seems to look a lot like me and Alan a lot like Jacob. There is a pretty funny story behind these two cuties. My mum and dad were planning to adopt two twins from Kenya because seven children was not enough but anyways, when they planned everything, signed papers and went to get them from Kenya, they greeted us with a shocking news... Mum was 4 months pregnant with these pair of twins! We were both happy and really shocked at the same time.

These four are the adopted sister and brothers.

Aaliyah: We call her Liya. Adele,Liya and me are inspearable beacause she's only a year younger than us (16) and our parents got her when we were one and so we grew up togethor. She is from England, I know a bit far away from Australia but who knows what was going through my parents mind back then. She is the opposite of shy, if she wants to talk to you she will come and just be like,'Hey.' She's the reason me and Jai and Adele and Luke are going out. Me and my sister were always the shy girls and once she overheard us talking about our crush on our neighbours; Jai and Luke, and so she just went to their house and said,' Hey, I'm Aaliyah and my twin sisters likes you and your twin brother. From then onwards we have been best friends and then we went onto the next level.

Damon: He's the mishevious one. He's 6 and he is from Italy, again please don't ask how my parents got him from Italy because I don't know. He loves Jai, he practically adores him. When Jai's at our house and we kiss he comes in between us and starts to push us apart and pretends to throw up. He just does that so that Jai can go and run after him.

Zalia and Yan: These two are from Kenya and they were born in January and Kaia and Alan were born in August making them only 7 months older. What can I say about them. They're so cute and probably the most normal ones in the family but it's hard to say since they are still babies.

Umm I guess that was not a summary but you got to know my big family.

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