Chapter 4

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Jaileen's P.O.V

They took me into an x-ray room thingy. The pain was less now but I was still scared to see if I broke it or not. Afterwards they took me into a room and put me on a bed and left me alone. Nice going doctors leaving a girl scared as hell alone in a hospital room.

After a few minutes Gina came and told me,' It's just twisted and you've only got 1 week in plaster and you have to use crotches.' 

I was so relieved that it was not broken,' Can I get out of here please?' I pleaded. 

'Yeah sure since it's not broken,'Gina says. 

'Thanks Gina, I know you didn't have work today but I still made you work,' I said feeling a bit guilty.

'Don't worry love, my job is not only when I am wearing my uniform but every single second that passes,' she says smiling. 

A doctor came and started to plaster my leg and then helped me to get up and gave me the crotches. Gina grabbed my bag and we left the room and went to find Jai, Luke and my sister. They were still were we left them and a huge smile appeared on there face when they saw us. Jai came and kissed me, Luke came and hugged me and well my sister just said to me,'Don't you ever do that to me again,' and grabbed Luke's hand a pulled him with her. 

When we arrived home it was already 8 in the evening and me and Jai decided to watch a movie. We asked Luke and Adele but they told us that Luke was sleeping at our house to help mum with the kids. 

We decided to watch What to expect, When you're expecting. I rested my head on Jai's shoulder and he started playing with my curls. 

'Jai?' I called him.

'Yes that's my name,' he says.

'Very funny,' I say, poking my tongue at him,' You know the movie is on the t.v. and not on your lap right?' 

'Yes I know that, I am not an idiot, but I chose to watch this beaty on my lap,' he says circling my cheeks with his thumb. 

Thank God it was dark and he couldn't see how much I was blushing. I know we've been going out for two years but i still blush everytime he compliments me. 

As much as I was enjoying the movie I slept through half of it. 


I wake up because of the sun hit my face. I realise Jai was staring at me. 

'You're weird,' I say with my morning voice. 

I also realise we slept on the sofa in the same position we watched the movie.

'I'm going to wash,' I tell Jai. 

'What about the plaster,' he asks.

'It's waterproof babe,' I tell him like it's the most common thing in the world. 

'Come on I'll help ya,' he says getting up and giving me his hands.

'What? Wash?' I ask him astonished. 

'Nooooooo, help you get there and your stuff,' Jai says making a weird face. 

'You know I know how to use my crotches? I tell him. 

'Yes but I want to help you in case something happens,' he  tells me. 

'Ok then,' I grab his hands and get up. Jai hands me the crotches and goes to bring my stuff. 

After I finish, he enters the shower and I wait for him. We decide to go to my house. 

He rang the doorbell and Damon comes and to open the door.

'Jais,' he shouts, that's what he calls us when we're togethor.

Jai helps me to the sofa, were Adele and Luke were watching t.v. whilst feeding Zalia and Yan. Damon goes on top of Jai . When mum enters she has Kaia and Alan on her. 

'How's your leg love?' she asks me. 

'Good, but how did you know?' I ask her since I didn't call her.

'Adele told me everything and I knew I didn't need to worry since you were in Gina's hands,'she says smiling at Jai. 

Aaliyah enters and she bursts out laughing when she sees me.

'Hello to you to,' I say. 

'Sorry, Hey, but you look so funny in that thing,' she jokes. 

Mum hands me Kaia and Alan to Liya, she gives us there bottles and tells us she needs to run some errands and if it is okay if she left us with them. It was fine with all of us and so she left after promising  us she won't be long.

Jacob passes and stops when he sees me with the plaster,' What did you do,' he asks.

'I was skating and lost balance,' I reply.

'Whatever, Damon do you want to come to the park with me I'm meeting Kayla there?' he asks Damon.

'Yesss, the park,' he shouts and Kaia starts to cry because of him. 

'Damon, how many time have I told you not to shout when you're near the babies,' I say trying not to shout. 

'Sorry,' he says and gets up form Jai to go and get his shoes. 

Jai took Kaia from me and goes to walk with her to try to calm her down but then Alan,Zalia and Yan started crying as well and so Adele,Luke and Liya got up to go and calm them down. I was left alone watching t.v.

I cannot wait to take this thing of my leg. It's only been day and I already want to take it off, mostly because I can't do anything without help from the others. 

Kurt comes next to me to watch t.v.

'You're not out?' I ask him curious.

'Nehh not feeling well,'he says,'speaking of well, what happened to you?' 

'Urghhh, Is that the only thing people have in mind today cause a lot of people seem to ask me that question and by the wat I was skating and lost balance,' I say out of breath.

'Chill dude,' he says concentrating on the the programme on the t.v. 

Luke and Jai return without the kids and I give them a questioning look. 

'Asleep,' was Luke's answer. 

'I'm guessing the others haven't slept?' I asked.

'Well Kaia is your sister,' Jai chuckled.

I poked my tongue at him and went to sit on Luke just to tease him. He pretended he didn't care but I know how much it annoys him when I do that. I get up with Luke's help , I grab my crotches and Jai's hand and I  pull him outside to the garden.

'You know I Love You right?' I ask him.

'Yeah I know, and I Love You too,' he says pushing me gently to the wall. 

He leans in and snakes his arms around my waist. He starts to kiss me softly on my lips. I run my hands through his hair, messing it up. He loves it when I do that. He licks my lower lip asking for entrance, this time I didn't stop but opened my mouth and let him enter. Our tongue's moved in sync    and I put hands on his neck. We broke the kiss, breathing heavily Jai started to kiss my jawline and then going down to my neck. I tried not to moan but still a moan escaped from my mouth. Jai stopped and pecked my lips. 

'We better head in, they'll be wondering were we are,' Jai says pecking my lips again.

I just nod and he grabs me bridal style and take me inside. Inside Adele was on Luke's lap kissing him, Kurt and Liya were nowhere to be seen. Jai puts me on his lap and we start kissing again until we were interupted by mum. 

'Umm Adele do you kn,' she stops when she sees what we're doing,' Sorry, you can continue.'

We burst out laughing, Adele and me both crimson red with embarrassment.

'You're cute when you blush,' Jai and Luke say at the same time, Jai to me and Luke to Adele.

We burst out laughing even more at this.

Hoped you liked this chapter :) xx  

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