Popularity Doesn't Come in Plus-Sizes

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"Kate! You'll be late, let's go!" my mom yelled from downstairs. I grabbed my backpack and took one last look at my outfit in the full-sized mirror. I straightened out my navy blue, accordion-styled skirt and untuckedy white top some so it didn't look so tight. I sighed at my reflection. I wasn't very fond of wearing the same thing everyday, and I didn't think that a school uniform would help.

"Coming!" I yelled back at her, leaving my room, running down the stairs, and meeting my mom in the car.

It was a short drive to school and we were there in no time. Nervous butterflies fluttered in my stomah as I got out of the car. Students were getting out of cars and making their way toward the building, and some were just standing around and chatting, wasting time, I assumed. I almost wanted to stay outside and joke around like everyone else was out here, but then I reminded myself that I'm the new girl and I don't have any friends yet.

Let's just say I haven't been too ecstatic about being the new girl lately.

When I left where I used to live, I was kind of happy; I WANTED to start over. I had friends who loved ms, sure, but I always felt bored with the same people. I needed something new. A new town, new people, new boya to mix and mingle with... But now that I'm here, and seeing how hard this is going to be, because I'm in the eighth grade and everyone's already made their friends by now, I'm not so excited.

So, I casually (or attempted to act casual) walked up the brick walkway up to the front door steps, pulling one of the large double doors open. Once I was inside the chaotic school, I made my way to my locker, locker 124. I opened it up to find my geometry, pre-AP English, American history, and advanced science books already in my locker. I took out my geometry and science books, because I had those classes this morning. Then, I shut my locker and made my way down the stairs and to my geometry class. The late bell rang right as I sat down in an empty seat in the back of the room.

"Welcome, kids!" the teacher said as he jogged into the room. "My name is Mr. Camman, your new geometry teacher."

He went on about how it's "going to be a great year", how all of us students in this class are some of the smartest kids in school, and that we need to make sure to work very hard this year in order to keep that reputation up. Then, we played some getting-to-know-you game, even though everyone in the class knew each other.

Except for me.

Needless to say, I'm sure no one remembers my name from that activity and I haven't really made any friends quite yet.

The rest of the morning was a blur, and then lunchtime came around. Yay me, I'll be sitting at a table by myself, unless I get lucky.

I had already packed my lunch, so unfortunately, I didn't have to kill time waiting in line, and had to find somewhere to sit now.

I was walking around, looking for a place to eat, when someone called my name.

"Kate! Hey!" a girl's voice shouted. I whipped my head around and saw a familiar face, a girl from my science class earlier today. She gave me a big white-toothed smile and patted the empty seat next to her. She was sitting with two other girls I wasn't familiar with, but feeling obliged to sit because it wasn't like I had any other choice, I slowly walked over to the table a few yards away from me.

"H-hi," I managed to say, kind of stunned this girl wanted me to sit with them. She had pretty, long blond hair that was clipped back in bobby pins, and her makeup looked like it was done by a makeup artist from Teen Vogue. I hadn't been to this school for very long, but by the looks of it, she seemed like one of those girls who think they're all that and can do anything they want.

A popular.

I felt a pang of sadness and missing of my old school and old friends. Why did I ever want to leave, and start over? I thought to myself. But I'm here now, at Lake Westmount Academy, so I needed to get over myself and start new. Fresh.

Starting right now.

So, slapping a bright smile on my face, I sat down next to the blond girl, who turned her body to face me as I sat down. She smiled at me. "Hi. I'm Ashton, from your science class. Do you remember me?" Oh, Ashton. That was her name. I took a silent breath and replied, "Yeah, Ashton, I remember you. I'm Kate."

She laughed. "Yeah. Kate, this is Harper, the brunette," she said, pointing to the girl with caramel-looking brown hair and big brown eyes.

Harper gave me an excited wave and said, "Hey! You're that new girl who just moved here, right?"

"Yeah, I'm the new girl", I said smiling at her. She nodded and smiled happily back at me in reply.

"And that's Lexi," she said, looking over at the other girl who also had stunning red hair, not like the crazy messed up kind you see in desperate middle school yearbook pictures, but perfect, bright red like the kind you'd see in Vogue or something. She had faint freckles like me, too, and glossy pink lipgloss painted on her thin lips.

"Hey! Welcome to Lakeshore, where anyone who's anyone is," she said, winking at me.

"Thanks," I said back.

"So," Ashton said, turning back around to face me. Harper and Lexi also gave me their full attention. "Met anyone yet? Besides us, I mean."

I slowly shook my head. "Not really... It's been kind of a busy day, trying to find classes and all."

"So, I guess we're your first friend here!" Ashton said, smirking at me. The good kind of smirk, the one that means, "Get excited, we want you IN."

To give her the approval, I smiled back. She seemed perplexed. "I guess so," I said.

Lunch went by fast, and the four of us chatted as we ate about the cute boys who went to this school, who to associate with and who to definitely NOT (and oh yes... This were the It Girls of Lake West Mount Academy.), where to shop at the mall, who to do your makeup at Sephora... All kinds of things. By the end of lunch it was like we'd known each other all our lives.

As the bell rang, signaling us to go to homeroom for study hall, Ashton skipped beside me, catching up as I walked.

"Kate! Look, there's this big back-to-school party Harper, Lexi and I throw every first Friday of the school year. I really hope you can come." I've only been here a whole morning, and I'm already being invited to a party?!

"Sure!" I replied, giddy with excitement. YES, I thought. Ashton grinned at me, happy with my answer.

Then she went on. "You seem pretty awesome and... I think you'd be a great friend to us. Well, I think for me, at least... Maybe we could meet up Thursday after school and hit the mall together? I seriously have nothing to wear to this thing! Sound like a plan?"

Yes, sounds like a great plan, BFF!

"Of course! God, I need some new clothes, too!"

"Great," she said. "I'll catch up with you later, 'kay?" Ashton winked at me then hurried away to her next class.

I was so stunned at my luck. Usually, you'd think this Barbie doll of a girl would act stuck-up, just like any A list girl you'd see in movies. But, surprisingly, Ashton seemed really... Nice.

And I was so relieved I'd found friends.

************Author's note!!!*********************************

Hey! I hope y'all like it; it's not much so far, but thanks for reading! Please bear with me, I promise it will get better- I have big plans for this book!!! Thank you so much again for reading!


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