Chapter 23 - Absence makes the heart grow fonder

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Chapter 23 - Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Patrick got home around midnight, which was usual to him these days. He had been a workaholic ever since, but recently it was like he didn't even want to come home anymore.

Because he knew he'd be coming home to an empty house. And it bothered him. A lot.

His phone was ringing as he walked through the door and he hurried to pick it up. A call at midnight usually means an emergency and he didn't want to miss it.


“Pax! Did you just get home?” It was his mom, and she sounded angry. “I've been calling you for hours – in the office, at your house, and on your mobile. Where were you?”

“I was driving mom, I couldn't pick up the phone. And maybe I already left the office when you called.”

“And why are you only getting home at this hour? Do you do this everyday?”

“Mom... I'm too tired for this. Why did you call anyway? Is something wrong?”

“What, do I have to be dying to have a reason to call you?”

His mom's voice was rising again and Patrick flinched.

“No, that's not what I said. It's just... it's almost midnight, and I thought it was an emergency.”

“It is an emergency! I just found out that you just got back from a trip abroad, and I had no idea you were even going out of the country? Do you still consider me your mother?”

Patrick sighed and tried to console his mom.

“I'm sorry mom, there was just so much going on I didn't have a chance to tell you. Besides, I was only gone for a few days, I didn't think it was important.”

'I'm your mother, Pax. At least let me know you're still alive,' she complained.

“Okay, okay, I'll take note of it. I'll make sure to tell you next time.”

“You have to come visit me this weekend. I haven't seen you in months! Or do you want me to go to your house instead?”

“No, I'll go to yours. You know you can't travel far, mom, you'll get car sick.”

“Okay, but you promise? This weekend?”

“Yes mom, Now go to sleep, okay? I'm tired, too.”

“Okay honey. I love you.”

“Love you too, mom.”

As he put the phone down, Patrick let his eyes roam around the room.

He used to love coming home, because this was his dream house. It was to him a symbol of his success, of all the hard work and sacrifices he'd made to build everything he has now.

But now, this house had become a symbol of the one thing he didn't have. A family.

Growling at himself, Patrick headed to the mini bar and took out a shot glass and a bottle of brandy from then headed to the couch.

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