The ride home was awkward.
I couldn't think of anything to say. After about ten minutes Phil and Lori took out their Ipods and took out my book.
After about, what seemed like an hours, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.
I looked to see who it was.
It was Lori.
She handed me her ear bud. "Do you want to listen?" she asked.
"Sure," I smiled. I put in the ear bud and went back to my book.
"My dad said we are the same age. Fourteen right?" Lori said.
"Yeah," I said closing my book.
"Cool, Phil is two years older than us,"
"Okay. Let me about Pennsylvania,"
Lori told me all about her school and friends, until we reached a big brown house.
"Is this your house?" I asked.
"We're here," Sam said. "Like,"
"Love it," my mom and I said together.
The grass was a bright healthy green color and there were followers along the walkway.
We unpacked the car and carried everything inside the house.
Okay, so I was reading the rest of the story last night and it starts getting good at chapter 6.
So hang in there.