Chapter 6

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               "What?!" cried Sunny in a chocked whisper. I was too shocked to answer, so I just stared at Ruby with an open mouth.

               "I said," Ruby half shouted "You can be so horrible he wants to leave!" Sunny rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

               "We heard what you said," she replied huffily "We just can't believe you're suggesting it!"

               "I dislike Quigley," I retorted, finally finding my voice "But I'm not mean, and if he makes Violet happy..." Ruby groaned loudly and began walking in stressed circles.

               "You guys may not know this, but Peter," she gestured to the man who was carrying a box "Is my stepfather." Sunny and I shared a confused glance, then looked back at Ruby.

               "What does that have to do with anything?" Sunny asked. Ruby sighed impatiently, and I began to get the feeling that we wouldn't be the best of friends.

               "After my father died, my mother started dating other men," Ruby replied, exasperatedly "Whenever I didn't like one of them, what do you think I did? It became sort of a contest, to see what my shortest time time could be. So far it's two days." She grinned triumphantly, as if chasing away her mother's boyfriends was some sort of noble success.

                "I don't exactly approve of your methods," Sunny said carefully "But I am sorry about your father." Ruby blew a strand of hair out of her face and shrugged.

               "It's fine," she sighed "I never knew him, and my mother always calls him a cheating jerk anyways." Sunny and I grimaced. After losing our fathers, we disliked how she disrespected hers, even if he was dead.

               Finally sick of Ruby's loud mouth, I decided to stand up for myself.

               "Listen Ruby, I know you think what you're doing is right, but I don't," I announced "We should be going now. Good bye." I grabbed Sunny's hand and pulled her towards the Rockefeller's house where Klaus was carrying a box.

               "Klaus?" Sunny began softly "Don't you think it's about time to be heading home?" Klaus frowned a little, trying to check his watch over the cardboard box.

               "Yeah, it is coming up on nine o'clock," he stated, shifting his weight to get a better grip on what he was carrying "It's almost time for you to go to bed. Sunny, Beatrice, you go get ready, and Violet and I will be there in a few minutes."

                We nodded slowly and made our way home. Once we got inside, we began our bedtime ritual. Brushing our teeth, washing our faces, then putting on our pajamas and heading to our conjoined rooms.

               "Goodnight Beatrice," said Sunny, shutting off the light.

               "Goodnight Sunny," I replied, and the last I heard of her was the click of the door. However, since I was not able to fall asleep, I did hear the crickets, and the wind, and the tapping of branches on my window.

               It was so dark in my room, my white sheets practically illuminated. I was never really one to be scared of the dark, but because of today's events, I was a little paranoid. To remedy this, I crept over to the light switch and turned it on.

               Even after that, I had trouble falling asleep. I finally managed to, though, when Violet and Klaus walked in at twelve a.m.


               Despite being extremely tired, I woke up at 6:30.

               Maybe something woke me up I though. I checked on Sunny, and she was still asleep. As was Violet. When I checked Klaus' room, I found his bed to be empty.

               Making myself as quiet as possible, I snuck around the house, trying to find him. I finally spotted Klaus in the kitchen on the phone. In order to not be seen, I pressed myself against the wall opposite the entryway.

               "Of course Fiona..." murmured Klaus.

               Who's Fiona? I wondered And why is Klaus talking to her so early?

               "No... No, no one knows," continued Klaus "I promise... Yes, yes... I love you too... Good bye." Klaus quickly hung up the phone, and I decided it was time to enter.

               "Good morning Klaus!" I said happily, giving a fake yawn. He looked a little surprised to see me, but with my lack of questions, I guess he assumed I hadn't heard anything. I was able to keep up this act when Violet and Sunny came down.

               I was able to keep it from him after breakfast, and even when Ruby showed up at twelve o'clock. She had come to apologize.

               "I'm sorry," she said quietly "I guess I just got upset about my dad and let my feelings take over." Taking pity on Ruby, I chose to forgive her.

               "It sounds like he was a Count Olaf type of guy," I said, winking at Sunny. I had used the name Sunny constantly used for the villain in the stories she told me. Sunny gave me a quick smile, but a look of nervousness crossed over her face.

               "Count Olaf..." Ruby repeated "Yeah, now that you mention it, that was his name!"


WHAAAAAAT?!?!? Klaus is still in contact with Fiona?!?!? Count Olaf is Ruby's biological father?!?!?! Wow that guy sure got around ;) sorry about the cliffhanger guys, and who knows when the next chapter will come. :D see you around, my fans :)


The Secret Life of Beatrice: A sequel to A Series of Unfortunate Events #13Where stories live. Discover now