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Your soul is a quiet cello hum swept through long, empty hallways. Your soul, a dizzy, unkept breeze. Your soul, a white daisy unbloomed. Your soul, so soft and full of shuddering.

Your POV

It's been a while since I've seen any of the losers. I'm still not over the fact that I saw Stan with another girl. He looked so happy.

I guess I could say that I'm in love with him? I mean, I love him as a friend you know, but It might be much more than that.


I woke up and looked around my dark room.

I laid back down. I started to think of Stan. When I first saw that clown and I biked back to his house and he let me sleep over.

He comforted me. I was scared, I thought I was going fucking crazy... But he... He comforted me.

I wanted to drift off to sleep but I couldn't.

"It's 3 AM and my brain has no room for thoughts of sleep because all I can think about is Stan and how he makes me feel like no one else ever has" I say silently to myself.

Maybe about an hour passed and i was still thinking about Stan.

"God! It's fucking 4 am and you're still in my head, stop poisoning my brain."

I eventually drifted off to sleep.


I woke up early today because I wanted to go and take pictures of things in town.

I got dressed and put on a yellow shirt, converse, and jean shorts.

Before i left I had to right a diary entry.

I decided to start writing something about Stan ever since i saw him with that girl.

Day 7

Dear diary,

He's so much more than something I love.
I love a lot of things.
Sunsets, flowers, late night conversations.
I love thick summer air, catchy pop songs.
He's so much more than something that just brought me temporary joy.
So much more than just a crack in the sidewalk.
He's the light of my life,
The air in my lungs,
The reason I wake up in the morning,
The reason why I fall asleep at night.
I'm in love with him,
The idea of him,
The thought of him.
I'm in love with his every flaw,
every scar
I'm just falling in love
more and more every day.

My alarm went off. 12:00
I went and grabbed my camera and went to grab my bike and rode off to take pictures.

(Stan's POV)

Bill, Eddie, Richie, Ben, Mike, and I. were about to go to the well house but we needed someone else, that someone else is Y/N.

"Sh-She isn't answering the phone" Bill said.
"Do you think 'it' got her too?"

We walked to the doorstep and knocked on the door.

No answer.

I checked under the welcome mat and the key was there.

I unlocked the door.

"Is anyone here?" Mike asked but got no reply.

I walked into the kitchen and I saw a note on the kitchen counter.

Had to leave for work early. Xoxoxo — Mom and dad

I sighed and checked upstairs In her room.

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