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He has eyes like rain, hair like waves, and a soul that's vast and deep and I guess I didn't mind drowning in them."

(You can skip this chapter tbh)

December had come around and it was now the day before Christmas break started. I kept looking at the clock but time seem to have been going so slow.

The intercom went off
, it was principal Nero.
"Everyone please come to the auditorium now, and get with whatever grade you're in. And bring your secret Santa gifts."

We all went to the auditorium and got with our grade, mine being the 8th.

"As you students know, we did secret Santa this year" Mr. nero began.
"So, if you would start exchanging gifts you may."

I had Ben. I searched all over to find this. What I got him was a poetry book with poems from all of the famous poets and an idea book.(I'm bad at secret santa gifts)
"Thanks Y/N"
"It's no problem."

I was still waiting for my gift, maybe no one picked me. Most of the students parents picked them up early due to an upcoming snow storm.

I sighed and went to my locker to get my coat out. When I opened my locker I saw a gift bag. I looked at what the card and it had the word, 'promise' written on it, a new Polaroid, and a the page of my photo album that was ripped out by Bailey. I smiled and began to walk away. I saw the rest of the losers, even Stan, standing at the door.

"Hey guys" I say.
"Hey Y/N"
"Do you guys want to come to my house, my parents are away on a business trip and I have the house all to myself."
"You can bring Georgie too, Max needs someone to play with.

All of the losers went to their houses and grabbed things to bring over.

Richie was the first to come, then Bill and Georgie, Mike, Ben, Eddie, and last but not least, Stan.

Maybe an hour or two had passed. We were eating snacks, talking, playing video games, and playing sleepover games.

I turned on the television and the news was on.

"Derry is going to have into biggest snow storm since 1896. Please stay indoors and-"

The tv powered off before the reporter could finish. I looked out of the curtain and I saw snow falling down.

"Looks like we're staying here tonight" Eddie said quickly.
"My mom has an automatic heater, I could get that"

Since the power went off we all decided to bring blankets into my room. We played hide in go seek(in the dark h-i-g-s) 2 truths and a lie, and now we're playing truth or dare.

"Alright Bill, is it true that you kissed Beverly?" Richie asked

"Y/N, tr-truth o-o-or du-du-dare?"
"I d-d-d-dare you to k-k-kiss S-S-Stan"

I walked over to Stan and pecked him on the cheek. Even in the dark I saw him blush.
Maybe an hour passed and we played games. It was probably 2AM now but who knows, the power is out.

"Is anyone awake?" I whispered.
No one replied back so I decided to sleep.

(Stan's P.O.V)

I woke up and I saw everyone else awake, except for Y/N, Max, and Georgie. Y/N looked so peaceful, so pretty- wait what am I-?.. I started to get this weird feeling in my stomach and I quickly looked away.

"You should just ask her out already"  I heard Richie say.
"ask Y/N out, if you don't I'll take the chance."
"What if she say's no?"
"She likes you Stan"
"How do you know?"
"The note... It's about you."

Stan looked over at Y/N lifting up and fluttering her eyes, she was so beautiful. That weird feeling came back to him.

The phone rang downstairs and she got up and went to answer it. I forgot to mention the power came back on.

"Guys, I feel weird..." I said.
"Wh-what d-d-do you m-m-mean?"
"I get this weird feeling when staring at Y/N"
"It's called a boner Stan"
"Woah, Stan has a boner for Y/N"
"Stanley has a sexual feeling for Y/N?"
"I- It- I don't have an that feeling for Y/N"
"Y/N!!" Richie yelled out.

Hours passed and we all played in the snow. Making snowmen, having snowball fights, and making snow angels.

"Stan.." Y/N said and walked up for to me.
"Thanks for the gift."
"It's no big-" That strange feeling came back.
"You okay Stan?"
"Yeah, yeah"

Christmas/ Your POV

Christmas was finally here. I woke up to the smell of maple syrup and pancakes.

"Y/N, Y/N" I heard a voice say "Santa came"
I sat up in my bed and saw my brother jumping up and down, smiled gently.

I slipped into my slippers and headed downstairs. I saw presents under the christmas tree, my mom cooking breakfast, and my dad putting it on christmas movies.

We had finished eating breakfast and we started opening gifts.

From Mom, for Y/N. I opened it and saw picture frames.

I finished opening presents when I heard a knock on the door. I went to opened it and it revealed stan.

"Hey Stan, Merry Christmas"
"And happy Hannukah"
"Why are you here so early?"
"To give you this"

He pulled a box out and opened it, revealing a pair of roller skates.

"They're beautiful" I say as i take them out of the box
"Glad that you like it, that was years worth of allowence"
"Thank you Stan, I love it"
"You're welcome"

It was a pause for a momment and I saw him leaning in.
Our faces were inches apart when my little brother came.

"Y/N! Grandma wants to talk to

"Okay. Bye Stan, see ya"

I took all of the losers their presents and called beverly and told her about my almost kiss. God, I wish I just kissed him.

I should just make them kiss and have babies but I hate my life and I have to make this miserable as can be.

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