14(last chapter)

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New years passed and it was now summer. 5 months of being Stans girlfriend. His dad didnt accepf the fact that Stan had a girlfriend until Stan told him that it was me, Stan's dad trusts me enough.

The losers an I were in 8th grade now and next year we'll be starting highschool.

"I can't believe that it's been a year since we fought off a fucking demonic clown" Stan said as we were walking to the bike racks to get our bikes.

"It happened so fast" Mike said

"That was hell of a roller coaster" I said.

"I'm pysched for high school!" Richie said "I bet i'll get a lot of girls in my pants" He said and ran his hand through his hair.

"Do you know how many germs you'll get from that??" Eddie said.

"Atleast their vaginas are cleaner than your moms."

I laughed a bit as eddie flipped Richie off.

"What do you guys wanna do this summer?" Stan asked and walked up to Y/N, putting his arm around her.

"I dont know, kill a gigantic, fast, demonic turtle" I said.

"I need a break from these monsters" Ben said getting onto his bike.

"I never wanna see a monster again, if i do im gonna do a hannah baker with a twist" Stan said.
(i had to im soRRY)

All of us just stopped and looked at stan as if he was the clown.

"Stan what the fuck" Richie said

"Its true. I never wanna see IT or any other monster as a matter of fact." Stan said hopping onto his bike.

"For the first two weeks my family and I are visiting our grandma that lives in Jersey." I say. "Then when we get back im gonna do whatever."

"Gonna tickle stans' pickel when you get back?" Richie said wiggling his Eyebrows.

"What the fuck Richard. You disgust me trashmouth."

"Thats why they call me trashmouth" Richie said and winked.

I just rolled my eyes.

"I have to head home and pack my things up" I say. "Later losers, when I get back we're going shopping."

"Wait Y/N" Stan said and ran towards me, engulfing me into a tight hug and kissing me.

"I love you and i'll miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you too.... dimples" I say and stan just smiled.

"Whats with the Nickname?"
"It's cute, okay. Now i have to get going."

I started biking home and I saw my mom and dad putting suitcases in the trunk.

"Shit, i haven't even started packing yet." I say and get off my bike and run up to my room.

I grabbed my roller skates that Stan gave me for christmas, my new polaroid, some clothes that I would wear, and my radio.

I put everything in my suitcase and took it out to the car.

I got in and buckled my seat belt.

"Everyone ready?" My dad said as he looked in the backseat at my brother and I. I nodded.

He drove out of the driveway and turned on the radio. My favorite song, "Should I stay or should I go" by the clash started playing.

I sung along, off key as hell though.

"Should I stay or should I go!" I sung, which sounded more like yelling.

"Y/N, thats making my ears hurt!" Max shouted.

"Shut up" I say and shot him a glare.
"Stop fighting" my mom said.

We were driving for about three hours and we saw the "Now leaving Derry, Maine" Sign a few miles ahead.

A few minutes passed and my mom screamed "Watch out!" at my dad.

I looked up and saw a speeding car driving in the wrong lane.

My dad tried to turn the car but the other car crashed into us and sent us into a nearby tree.

It went by in a blur but I heard screaming and crying and I saw... blood.

Alright pitches this is finished
(Sequel is called good grief)

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