Chapter 9

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It is now leafbare, and Adderpaw's fears about it were accurate. Many cats have greencough and there's a lack of fresh kill. The previous night, the clan lost an elder, Jayflight, to greencough. Adderpaw wasn't very close to the elder, but he really enjoyed the old tom's stories.

Due to the lack of fresh kill, more hunting patrols have been being sent out than usual. Adderpaw just so happens to be on one right now. The patrol is led by Mousetuft, and Ashpaw, Swiftfang, and Applebranch are with them.

Adderpaw sniffed the air for the scent of prey. Then, lucky Adderpaw catches the scent of mouse. He follows the scent, then spots the mouse. The tabby crouches down low and quietly and slowly sneaks closer to the mouse, making sure his paws don't crunch too loud on top of the snow. Then, he pounces. He bites into the mouse's neck, killing it instantly. He grabs it in his jaws and looks up proudly.

"Good job, Adderpaw!" Ashpaw says to her littermate.

"Thanks." Adderpaw replies.

The patrol as a whole didn't find much though. Other than Adderpaw's mouse, the patrol only caught a skinny squirrel and a crow. Adderpaw carries his mouse in his jaws on the way back to camp. Once he enters camp, he gently places his mouse into the fresh kill pile.

"Adderpaw!" The brown tabby then hears. He turns around to see Duskstorm dashing towards him.

"Uh, what is it Duskstorm?" Adderpaw asks his rival.

"I have terrible news." Duskstorm replies.

"And what is the terrible news?" Adderpaw asks, tilting his head a little. 

"It's Smokefur. She has greencough." Duskstorm responds.

Oh no... Adderpaw thinks.

"I should go see her." Adderpaw then meows.

"Yes, and get as close to her as you possibly can." Duskstorm advises.

"Why don't you do that instead? You're her littermate after all." Adderpaw replies.

"You're the cat who has a crush on her." Duskstorm teases.

"How many times do I have to tell you? We're just friends." Adderpaw replies coldly.

"Whatever you say." Duskstorm meows then walks away.

Adderpaw walks towards the medicine cat den. I really hope she fights it off. He thinks. I don't want to lose yet another friend.

He walks into the medicine cat den to see all of the sick cats: Hawkstar, Wolfclaw, Patchkit, Frogleap, Jaggedfoot, and, of course, Smokefur, who just found out she caught it.

"I don't think it's a good idea to come in here, Adderpaw." Acornfall meows right as he suddenly appears in front of the apprentice.

"I want to see Smokefur." Adderpaw meows.

"I'm sorry, but you can't come in. We don't want to risk any more cats catching greencough." Acornfall replies.

"Adderpaw?" Adderpaw then hears a familiar voice say. Smokefur. He thinks.

"Smokefur!" Adderpaw meows. "I want to come in and see you, but I can't. I hope you feel better soon!" He calls into the medicine cat den. "I hope all of you do." He adds.

"Thank you." Adderpaw then hears a few weak replies say.

"No, go." Acornfall meows. Then, Adderpaw finally obeys and leaves the medicine cat den.

Is greencough really that contagious? Adderpaw thinks as he walks out.

"Oh! Adderpaw! I was looking for you." Adderpaw hears. He sees Cloudheart approach him. "Can you come with me to gather more herbs? I need more than one cat to carry all of them back." She meows.

"Sure." Adderpaw replies.

Cloudheart and Adderpaw then leave the ShadowClan camp.

"Just follow me." Cloudheart tells Adderpaw. So, Adderpaw follows the white medicine cat. After a bit of walking, they finally reach their destination.

"Here we go! Catmint!" Cloudheart meows. "Grab as much as you can. We need enough for all of the cats with greencough." She instructs as she grabs some out of the ground. Adderpaw then begins to do the same. Soon, both of the jaws were filled with catmint.

"Let's go." Cloudheart says with a muffled voice. Cloudheart takes the lead as the two cats began to head back to camp.

"How bad is greencough, really?" Adderpaw then asks the medicine cat curiously.

"Greencough is a very severe cough and it claims the lives of many cats." Cloudheart explains. "It spreads quickly and is highly contagious." She meows with a muffled voice.

"How likely will a cat die from it?" Adderpaw asks.

"It is possible, but it is more fatal for elders and kits." Cloudheart explains.

Oh StarClan, poor Jaggedfoot and Patchkit. I hope they survive. Adderpaw thinks.

"Thank you." Adderpaw replies with a muffled voice as they walk back through the entrance of the camp.

"Just drop it by the entrance of the medicine cat den and I'll take care of the rest. Thank you so much." Cloudheart meows. Adderpaw then does as he is told.

"You're welcome." Adderpaw says once he drops the catmint. Cloudheart then does the same. Adderpaw hears coughing coming from inside of the medicine cat den.

I feel so bad for them.. I'm terrified for all of them, but especially Hawkstar and Smokefur. Hawkstar still has all nine of her lives, so I believe she'll be fine. Smokefur worries me the most. I don't want to lose another friend. Adderpaw thinks. He then walks away from the medicine cat den and towards the apprentice den. He then walks inside and curls up in his nest.

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