Chapter 16

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the high branch for a meeting!" Hawkstar calls out. The clan then gathers beneath the high branch.

"Sadly, we lost our deputy Pineshade in the dog attack earlier. We will always remember him as a brave and loyal cat that we could always trust." She meows. "But now, as the warrior code says, I must name a new deputy for ShadowClan before moonhigh." She adds, looking down at her clan. It is dark out and there is a soft breeze ruffling the fur of the cats. The moon's light is illuminating the camp.

"After a lot of thinking, I have finally decided on who the new deputy should be." Hawkstar meows.

Please be someone who deserves it. Addertooth thinks.

"I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice." Hawkstar meows. Addertooth watches her gaze closely.

"The new deputy of ShadowClan is Duskstorm." Hawkstar announces. "Even though you are young, you have proven yourself to be a strong and loyal warrior who is reliable and can take charge. You have contributed so much lately and I am very grateful for that. So, you are ShadowClan's new deputy." She meows.

"Thank you so much, Hawkstar. I am very grateful." Duskstorm responds.

Out of all of ShadowClan's warriors... all of them... Hawkstar chose Duskstorm to be the new deputy? This is the one thing I didn't want to happen. Duskstorm doesn't deserve to be deputy. She's fox-hearted and I can tell she has bad intentions. I guess I'm the only one who actually has good enough eyes to see that. Addertooth thinks. He sighs.

But... the real question is... should I do something about this? Should I confront Hawkstar? Thinking about the prophecy... is this what it meant? Whether or not to strike? So I assume that my prophecy is about making the right decisions. So... should I strike or not? Addertooth thinks. I might really need to do something about this soon. Duskstorm is Smokefur's littermate, but she's getting out of hand... and I feel like she is responsible for Daisybloom's injury. He thinks. I hate her.

Then, Addertooth feels a soft nudge. He turns his head to spot his mate, Smokefur.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Smokefur asks. "I know you don't like this.." She meows, showing sympathy for her mate.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little upset about it." Addertooth replies, looking into his mate's green eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it? We can go for a walk around the forest." Smokefur asks him.

"Sure. That sounds great." Addertooth replies, purring a bit.

"Great! Let's go then!" Smokefur meows excitedly, dashing out of the camp. She's trying to make an effort to cheer him up, and it's actually working.

"Hey! Wait up!" Addertooth meows, chasing after Smokefur. Soon, Smokefur stops and Addertooth catches up.

"Duskstorm may be fox-hearted sometimes, but she has good leadership skills, right? She's been that way since she was a kit. She's also very responsible. So, it might not actually be a very bad thing that she's the new deputy." Smokefur meows as the two cats walk side-by-side. The sounds of crickets and frogs fill their ears and fireflies are flying around them.

"You don't really understand, Smokefur. What if she becomes leader? She hates me. Also, remember how I told you I think she caused Daisybloom's injury? Does any clan cat want a cat who purposely harms her own clanmates as a leader? No!" Addertooth replies.

"But you don't know for sure, Addertooth. I love you, but it's not safe to make such bold assumptions like that." Smokefur meows. "I hope you don't make assumptions about our kits' personalities and skills right after their born." She jokes.

"Kits?" Addertooth asks. "Do you mean...?" He then adds, hope in his voice.

"Mhm." Smokefur replies and nods. "We're having kits!" She meows happily. "I know that makes things a lot better, right?" She asks.

"Yeah!" Addertooth replies happily. He purrs and rubs against Smokefur lovingly. Smokefur begins to purr as well. Once Addertooth moves away, they gently press their foreheads together.

"When are you moving into the nursery?" Addertooth then asks.

"Very soon." Smokefur replies. The two cats then touch noses.

"I can't wait to meet our kits. We're going to have so much fun playing with them and watching them grow into strong warriors like you and I. I wonder what they'll be like. I assume that we'll probably have three kits. At least one of them is definitely getting my tabby stripes. I hope one is just as fun as you are. They're going to be beautiful, because they're your kits. I bet they'll be best friends with Ivykit and Marshkit. How are you feeling?" Addertooth rambles without stopping to breathe.

"You're making assumptions!" Smokefur replies with a purr of amusement. "And I am feeling great, especially since I'm here with you." She meows.

"That's sweet." Addertooth replies. The gray she-cat then yawns.

"We should get back to camp soon. I'm pretty tired." Smokefur meows.

"Let's head back then." Addertooth replies. Then, the two cats walked back to camp together, leaning against each other as they walked.

I should talk to Hawkstar soon. Addertooth then thinks.

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