Chapter 13

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The day before, a battle occurred between ShadowClan and SkyClan at the border. Luckily, no one died or was extremely wounded. Also, of course, ShadowClan won the battle. They got lucky.

Addertooth has a few small wounds from the battle, but SkyClan surrendered before things got too serious, as the warrior code says.

He walks out of the warriors den. In the distance, he spots Hawkstar and Duskstorm chatting.

Duskstorm has been gaining so much power and respect lately, which really worries me. Addertooth thinks. I know she does not actually have good intentions. It makes me really nervous. He thinks. He keeps his gaze on the two cats, listening to their conversation about yesterday's battle. Of course, Duskstorm was the cat who led the border patrol that was ambushed. She has been chosen to lead so many things lately, and her power is growing and growing every second. I hate it. I hate her. He thinks. He sighs. I wish I could be as respected as her. He then thinks, but then, he bears small paws hit the ground near him. He turns around to spot Daisypaw.

"We're doing a group training today, right Addertooth?" His apprentice asks him.

"Yep." Addertooth replies with a nod. "We just need to wait until the others are ready." He meows. Not long after, everyone was ready.

"Let's go." Duskstorm meows and the three warriors and their apprentices leave ShadowClan's camp.

Soon, the cats reach the same small clearing where Addertooth, Ashcloud, and Duskstorm all trained when they were apprentices with their littermates and Applebranch. Of course, Duskstorm takes the lead.

"First, we will focus on hunting." Duskstorm meows. "Each of you will go your separate ways along with your mentor. Try to catch something. If you don't, just come back anyways." She explains to the apprentices. "Now, let's go." She meows.

Addertooth and Daisypaw walk further into the forest together. Then, Addertooth notices that Daisypaw had caught the scent of prey. Addertooth moves back and watches as Daisypaw stalks a nearby squirrel. Then, the apprentice leaps for it, killing it with a bite to the neck.

"Great job, Daisypaw. Let's head back." Addertooth meows. The mentor and apprentice then walk back to the small clearing. The other two apprentices and their mentors are already there when they arrive. Luckypaw didn't catch anything but Blackpaw caught a squirrel that is even bigger than Daisypaw's.

"Mine is bigger than yours!" Blackpaw boasts, standing proudly.

Blackpaw has changed a lot recently. He's gotten hostile and is often rude to Daisypaw. Definitely Duskstorm's influence. Addertooth thinks. I have been telling Daisypaw to ignore Blackpaw and that it's just because of Duskstorm. But, of course, it still bothers her that her previously inseparable littermate is being rude to her. Addertooth thinks.

"I will catch something better next time, just wait and see!" Daisypaw replies.

"Now, let's focus on our battle skills." Ashcloud then meows, preventing the argument from going any further.

Aw, I wanted to see where this would go. Of course, Daisypaw would win. Addertooth thinks. If I was the one to speak up, Duskstorm would've lashed out at me, but since she actually likes Ashcloud, she didn't say a word. He thinks.

"Each apprentice will test their battle training so far by practicing with your mentor. Make sure your claws are sheathed." Ashcloud meows.

"No." Duskstorm then meows. "I'm sorry Ashcloud but it would be better if Luckypaw is the only one battling his mentor and Daisypaw and Blackpaw battle each other." She says.

Okay, I see how it is. It's on. Addertooth thinks.

"Alright then." Ashcloud meows. "Get into your positions and I'll tell you when to start." She explains. Everyone does what they are told. "And... start!" She meows.

Addertooth watches as Daisypaw leaps for Blackpaw, but Blackpaw dodges. Blackpaw then leaps for Daisypaw and slams his littermate down to the ground. He quickly pretends to scratch her face, but then, Blackpaw's claws unsheathe. Daisypaw yowls with pain as one of Blackpaw's claws deeply cuts her eye and then immediately gives in. Addertooth watches in horror as blood drips onto the forest floor.

"Blackpaw! What was said about keeping your claws sheathed?!" Addertooth scolds, hurrying over to Daisypaw. He notices that Ashcloud and Luckypaw stopped practicing. He quickly notices that Daisypaw is kind of wobbly on her paws so he lets her lean against him.

"I-I'm so sorry! It was an accident!" Blackpaw meows, his eyes wide.

"You need to be more careful!" Ashcloud scolds.

Addertooth begins to walk back to camp with Daisypaw leaning against him.

"You're going to be alright.." Addertooth assures his apprentice.

"Let's go back to camp." Ashcloud says, her tone of voice clearly upset. Then, all of the other cats follow Addertooth and Daisypaw back to camp.

When they get back to camp, the cats are all shocked to see Daisypaw's injury. They ask what happened and Ashcloud explains as Addertooth takes Daisypaw to the medicine cat den.

Once they get to the medicine cat den, Cloudheart and Acornfall are in the den and immediately notice.

"Oh StarClan, Daisypaw! What happened to her eye?!" Cloudheart asks Addertooth as Acornfall helps Daisypaw lay into a nest. He quickly begins to add cobweb to the bleeding eye.

"Blackpaw's claws accidentally unsheathed during training." Addertooth simply explains.

"Oh no, I bet he feels terrible about this. I hope Daisypaw is okay." Cloudheart meows. "Well, I'm going to help Acornfall. Talk to you later!" She meows. Addertooth then exits the medicine cat den.

"Accident." It was an "accident." I know I shouldn't believe that. Duskstorm has to be behind this. She must've organized this. She got Daisypaw and Blackpaw to practice together and earlier she told him what to do to her. She's pure evil and no one notices that but me. She's rising in popularity in the clan and everyone relies on her, even the older warriors. I should do something about this soon. Addertooth thinks.

Later, it was revealed that Daisypaw has been completely blinded in that one eye. However, she soon continued her training like a normal warrior and Addertooth continued to be her mentor, keeping her blind eye in mind. He also concluded, no more battle practice with Blackpaw.

It's been a wild ride, but I enjoy being a mentor. Daisypaw means a lot to me, as if she's my own kit. I care about her so much, and she's been through a lot. If there's anyone who deserves to be a warrior the most, it's her. Addertooth thinks.

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