Chapter 14

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It's been a few moons since what happened to Daisypaw. Today is a very big day. Not long ago, Addertooth, Ashcloud, and Duskstorm confronted Hawkstar. They said that Daisypaw, Luckypaw, and Blackpaw are ready for their warrior assessments. Hawkstar accepted, so now it's time for them. It's been a challenge mentoring a half-blind apprentice, but Addertooth believes that Daisypaw is ready.

"Is it time!?" Daisypaw asks Addertooth excitedly.

"Yes, let's go." Addertooth replies. Then, Daisypaw, Luckypaw, Blackpaw, Addertooth, Ashcloud, Duskstorm, and Hawkstar walked out of camp together.

"First, you will demonstrate your hunting skills." Hawkstar explains. "The three of you will take turns to hunt. I will watch each of you from the trees and shadows to observe your hunting skill and see if you're ready to become a warrior." She says as they walked.

"Then, you will demonstrate your battle skills. Each of you will have a practice fight with your mentor. Depending on the skills you show, I will see whether or not you're ready to become a warrior." Hawkstar then explains. Then, the cats stop.

"We will start hunting here. Blackpaw, you will go first." Hawkstar meows. Blackpaw nods and walks off. Addertooth sits and waits.

Blackpaw soon returns with a snake in his jaws.

"Woah, nice catch Blackpaw!" Luckypaw meows as his littermate returns.

"Now, Daisypaw, it's your turn." Hawkstar meows. Daisypaw nods and Addertooth gets up. Addertooth watches Daisypaw from afar as she hunts. Addertooth watches as the young cat successfully catches a squirrel.

"Great job Daisypaw!" Hawkstar meows from a bush. She then gets out of the bush. "Now, let's head back and Luckypaw can hunt." She meows. They then walked back together. Daisypaw carries the squirrel in her jaws. Then, they return.

"Wow! Nice squirrel!" Luckypaw meows. Daisypaw then drops the squirrel.

"Thank you!" Daisypaw replies.

Then, they wait as Luckypaw takes the hunting portion of the warrior assessment. Not long after, Luckypaw returns with a bird.

"Nice catch!" Blackpaw meows.

"Now, it's time for the fighting portion of the assessment." Hawkstar meows. "Each of you will practice fight your mentor, and I will observe. Then, based off your hunting and your battling, I will decide whether or not you're ready to become a ShadowClan warrior." She says. "Now, get with your mentor."

Addertooth and Daisypaw face each other.

"When I tell you to, you may start." Hawkstar meows. "Now... start!" She says.

Daisypaw leaps for Addertooth, but Addertooth quickly dodges the apprentice's attack. Daisypaw is shocked as Addertooth slams into her, knocking her over. He has her pinned. Then, Daisypaw fights back by using her hind leg to through the tabby off of her. It works and Addertooth releases the apprentice. Then, Daisypaw takes this moment to leap for Addertooth again, but this time it is a success. She lands right onto the tabby's back and pretends to sink her claws into it. Addertooth knows that the move causes a lot of pain, enough for a cat to flee, so he gives in.

"That's it. You win." Addertooth meows. "Nice job, Daisypaw." He meows.

"Thank you!" Daisypaw replies happily with a bounce.

"I'm really proud of you, Daisypaw." Addertooth meows.

Not long after, Blackpaw and Luckypaw were finished with the fighting portion too.

"Let's head back to camp." Hawkstar meows. The cats then walk back to camp together. Then, once they get back to camp, Hawkstar leaps onto the high branch.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the high branch for a meeting!" Hawkstar calls out. The clan then gathers beneath the high branch.

"Today, young Daisypaw, Luckypaw, and Blackpaw have passed their warrior assessments." Hawkstar announces. Addertooth is overwhelmed with joy and pride for his apprentice.

"They will now become warriors of ShadowClan." Hawkstar announces. "Daisypaw, please come forward." She says. Then, Daisypaw does what she is told.

"I, Hawkstar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn." Hawkstar meows. She then looks down at Daisypaw.

"Daisypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" She meows.

"I do." Daisypaw then responds.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Daisypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Daisybloom. StarClan honors your determination and kindness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." Hawkstar meows.

The clan begins to cheer Daisypaw's warrior name. "Daisybloom! Daisybloom!" They cheer.

"Thank you, Hawkstar." Daisybloom meows happily and steps back to where she was. 

"Now, Blackpaw, please come forward." Hawkstar meows. He does what he is told.

"I, Hawkstar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." Hawkstar meows. She looks down at Blackpaw.

"Blackpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" She meows.

"I do." Blackpaw responds.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Blackpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Blacktail. StarClan honors your strength and courage and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." Hawkstar meows.

The clan then cheers Blackpaw's new name. "Blacktail! Blacktail!" They cheer.

"Finally, Luckypaw, please come forward." Hawkstar meows. He does what he is told.

"I, Hawkstar, leader of ShadowClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend him to you as a warrior in his turn." Hawkstar meows. She looks down at Luckypaw.

"Luckypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" She meows.

"I do." Luckypaw responds.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Luckypaw, from this moment on you will be known as Luckyspirit. StarClan honors your energy and spirit and we welcome you as a full warrior of ShadowClan." Hawkstar meows.

The clan then cheers Luckypaw's new name. "Luckyspirit! Luckyspirit!" They cheer.

Hawkstar leaps off of the high branch and rests her muzzle on all three apprentices' heads and the three new warriors each lick their leader's shoulder.

"The clan meeting is now dismissed." Hawkstar announces and then walks off.

"Wait! Can I make a quick announcement while the clan is here? It's not too big, but it's very good news." Ashcloud asks.

"Sure, go ahead Ashcloud." Hawkstar replies. Ashcloud nods and steps forward.

"I'm expecting kits." Ashcloud meows. "I will be moving into the nursery today since my apprentice is now a warrior." She announces. Addertooth is in shock.

Ashcloud... is going to have kits? Applebranch better treat those kits right. He's been doing great with Ashcloud, but he better not mess things up. Yet... I'm still happy for her and I can't wait to meet their kits. They're going to be beautiful. Addertooth thinks as he hears many cats congratulating Ashcloud. He walks up to her.

"Uh, congrats." Addertooth meows to his littermate. "I can't wait to meet them." He meows. It's all he can say at this moment.

"Thank you, Addertooth." Ashcloud meows, gaze shifting to her belly. Addertooth then walks away. He walks over to Daisybloom.

"Words can't express how proud I am of you." Addertooth meows to his former apprentice.

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