Chapter 3

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Right when Heechul steps up to the dorm door, he knows that Jungkook didn't make it on time. Even a beta like him could smell the lure of Jungkook's scent; it was too sweet to miss. He takes out the keys, praying in vain that the members wouldn't notice the smell. That idea epically busted. All hopes of Jungkook's scent going unnoticed were forgotten now that Heechul had a new and bigger problem; the members had noticed the smell and their reaction was terrifying. Please don't let him be in there, he hoped with a cringe.

Jimin was the first to respond; he had the weakest self-control of all the members. He growled as he pushed his way past his manager and into the dorm. Heechul wanted to reach out to stop him when he remembered the pack of alphas behind him. Heechul slowly turned around to face the group, and was startled when a pair of cool eyes met his own.

"Where are they?" Namjoon growled slowly.


"Don't play dumb with me beta. Where. Is. The. Omega."

Heechul gulped loudly before passing out in pure fear. Jungkook, you little shit--

Was his last thought before his limp body hit the floor.


Yoongi followed the scent, pushing passed the rest of the members who were checking all over the dorm in a mindless state overcome by hormones. Yoongi wasn't a dumbass like the rest of the group, and immediately went to the back of the dorm where none of the members had ever stepped a single foot near their whole time living there.

He found a door that led to a spare room that he, along with the rest of the members, had assumed was for storage. Sniffing at the air surrounding the room, he pushed open the already cracked door. Careless omega.

Yoongi walks into the dimly lit room filled with the omega's scent, deeply inhaling in a state of pure bliss. A low rumbling started in his chest as a fog clouded the young alphas mind. I need them. I need them NOW.


Jungkook ran up to the dorm door, panting after his frantic run up the stairs. His eyes widened as he saw Heechul's unconscious body strewn across the floor, luscious hair cascading around his face. The young boy got down on his knees and started shaking his manager wildly. The poor boy didn't know what to do, so he acted on impulse and slapped his manager. HARD. The sound of skin hitting skin echoed through the air.

Heechul abruptly shot up from the floor, blinking rapidly and whipping his head around in search for the cause of the harsh pain on his left cheek. He turned to see Jungkook kneeling by his side, nervously looking at his poor manager.

"Are you okay?" asked a very worried Jungkook.

"I'm fine," grumbled Heechul.

Jungkook inhaled deeply in relief only to feel his breath hitch in his lungs. That smell. His instincts kicked in as he smelled the strong alpha scent pouring out of the slightly cracked door. He slowly rose from his position on the floor, and weakly trudged to the entrance. His mind and body was in overdrive. They need me. In an almost trance like state, he managed to get past the doorway and into the living room. He made it to the couch before his knees gave out from over stimulation, and he lay curled up in a trembling heap on the floor. No. No I can't just lay here! They need me!! A small whimper left Jungkook's lips,his mind going blank in a hysterical panic. When his whimper got no response he began to cry.

"A-alphaaa," the curled up omega sobbed into the open air.

As if a switch had been flipped, all six alphas came into the living room, filling the small area with their relaxing scent. Jin was the first to spot the boy, and instantly ran over to the omega's curled up form, scooping him up from the floor.

"Shhhh baby. You're okay. You're okay." whispered Jin as he nuzzled into the omegas scent gland behind his ear in an attempt to settle his nerves. Jungkook opened his glossy orbs and turned his face to the broad shouldered alpha that was cradling him. He admired the face he recognised as Jin's in utter awe. So handsome. A collective chuckle came from behind Jin. "He sure is, isn't he."

Jungkook averted his attention to the alphas behind Jin with a blush. He hadn't meant to say it out loud. Suddenly, Heechul busted into the dorm expecting to see a massive orgy going down between the newly introduced members. But instead, he saw Jungkook in the protective embrace of Jin with the rest of the members looking down fondly. Heechul stood back to admire for 0.3 seconds before deciding he was bored.

"Hate to cut it short, but it's the fetus's bedtime."

Heechul made to grab at the omega only to get growled at by a usually care-free alpha. Heechul frowned at Hoseok, who glared back with a deadly gaze. Heechul gulped but did not move from his position.

"Back. Off." Hoseok said with a growl.

Heechul debated whether or not he got paid enough to risk his life to get the maknae to bed, when he saw Jimin move out of the corner of his eye. Before he could react, he was being held still from behind by Jimin and Taehyung slowly approached the beta.

"Our omega. Not yours."

Was the last thing Heechul heard before once again passing out, this time the cause being Taehyung's fist.


I should be doing homework fml


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