Chapter 8

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"I love you. I love you and I know you love me too."

Win Win leans towards Ten, gently grabbing the back of his neck. Ten's breathing hitched...and then began to speed up. Pushing the love of his life away, Ten runs with an ache in his heart and leaves the poor boy behind him shocked and hurt. Ten knew he fucked up.

"Oh my god!"

Ten stops dead in his tracks, as he was on his way home from the studio.

"I am so totally fucked!"

Just as he continued to make his way back to Win Win, a small whimper was heard. It sounded...oddly familiar. A chill ran down his spine and he immediately sprinted into action. Running towards the small sound, Ten swings his dance bag to the front him and pulls out his pepper spray. A hurt omega means a danger nearby.

His pace slows as he comes nearer to an ally against a small house similar to his own. The whimper is heard again and Ten wastes no more time to approach the small heap that he now sees is violently shaking.

Raising a steady hand to the mass, he slowly pulls away the baby pink, fluff of fabric that seems to be a child's blanket. Before he could even begin to make out the face in the darkness of the ally, the fabric was yanked out of Ten's grip and a small body launched itself into his arms.

It took Ten no less than 3 seconds to identify the scent and gather a sobbing Jungkook into his arms. Worry washed over the entirety of Ten's body, but he needed to calm the poor boy down. Jungkook had been in so much stress that he was literally biting at the scent gland on Ten's neck, in an attempt milk the calming pheromones from it faster. He didn't have to see the omega to know he was covered in blood and seriously injured.

He knew the pup...well sort of pup...had bonded with someone. It happens to everyone when they're around his age. But who did he bond with? And how the hell was he gonna find them?

"Baby it's okay. I'm here for you."

"W-w-want my a-alpha ple-please. Please please please pl- mmph"

Jungkook's words were cut off as a pair of hands yanked the boy out of Ten's arms and brought the omega to their chest. Ten spun around with a growl and sprayed his pepper spray right at the large and angry alpha.

In a frenzy or growls, lashes, and puffs of toxic spray-- Jungkook finally breaks down sobbing at the feet of the alpha. Ten realizes what is happening when the alpha drops his defensive and kneels down to match the height of the omega, and lifts his chin. Their eyes meet and a flash of gold is seen.

Whelp...found his bond.

I'm baaaaaack~

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