Chapter 19: I will never stop loving you...

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Was Gothi right? Could he have been under some sort of trance? Could he actually love me? No. That's impossible isn't it? I was now on my way home. I needed to think this through. Ruffnut was at my side.

"so what if he was abducted. Or this really bad vigilante guy came and took over his mind? And then he blew him up-" I had to cut her off there.

"Ruff seriously? What is wrong with you and blowing stuff up?"

"everything..." I sighed. Ruff had some good points about her... but also some not so bright ones...

"so what you gonna do?!"

"weren't you listening to what I was saying?"

"um no... why, was it something important? Do I get to blow something up?!" I sighed again. Seriously what's up with her and blowing stuff up?

"oh Ruff..."

"what? Do I get to eat now? I'm hungry!"she moaned. Ok I take everything back o thought about her. I guess she does have a point. I've been gone for a while and it's getting pretty late.

"Ok Ruff, let's go to the mead hall... But then we need to go through our plan again..." I explained

"wait what plan was that?" She asked confusedly. Oh my Thor. This is going to be a long night...


I had been thinking about Astrid all day and my dream... I knew that had happened before. What I had done. I needed to make it up to her... But it's not going to be easy...

I walked up to the mead hall as I haven't eaten all day. I've been at the cove, thinking. It's the place with my best memories. Where I met Toothless, where I first fitted his tail... where Astrid first kissed me. I needed to maul my thoughts over without Merida getting in the way. When I'm around her I feel different,  like I'm not myself. But when I'm with Astrid everything is just so real and alive... Sparks fly and feelings avail. But with Merida it's just not real... It's like I'm under some sort of spell when I'm with her. Like my mind takes over. I couldn't ask her about what happened back in mine and Astrids spot. The cove probably became one of my worst memories too. I walked in opening the doors. Everything seemed normal, and thankfully no Merida was around, phew. I looked to the far table where my 'friends' were. Well hopefully still friends. Fishlegs was editing the book of dragons again, nothing new. The twins were fighting over, a sandwich,  seriously? But then that's to be expected with the twins. I looked to see Snotlout hitting on, Astrid? Oh no he didn't! But then wait, I'm not hers anymore, let it go Hiccup... Just let it go... Wow it sounds much better when Astrids trying to calm me. So I decided to break the moment by saying,

"oh, hey guys!" everyone from the table looked up at me, of course all except Astrid...

"oh hey Hiccup!" Fishlegs was the first to speak up.

"mind if I sit here?" they all kept staring at me as Fishlegs nodded and gestured for me to sit.


Of course he just had to sit next to me. I could tell that he became tense as he watched and listened to Snotlout as he continuously kept flirting with me. Of course I had to say it was annoying, but then I was used to it since we and Hiccup... well y'know. I still was speculating if what Gothi had told me was true. I didn't want to tell Hiccup... yet. I still couldn't forgive after what he did. Whether he was forced, tricked or whatever!

I was trying to eat my chicken which I was just swirling around my plate in thought. I swear I am going to punch Snotlout and maybe Hiccup in a minute. Snotlout because he's,  well, being Snotlout. And Hiccup because he's just eyeballing me which is becoming a bit disturbing and awkward. My plan was to tell them about what Gothi had told me, but seeing as Hiccups now here I may need to put it on hold.

"Astrid we need to talk..."

"yes we do Hiccup, but not now and I'm not sure if I'll be ready to talk to you again.." I snapped and sighed. I shuffled away from him but he just shuffled closer. I decided to leave so I got up and headed home to sort out my plan.

"I'm gonna go, later guys... Hiccup...."


She actually acknowledged me! Even spoke to me! It's been a long time since she actually did that. I mean she didn't exactly speak, speak to me but she knew I was there! I wasn't expecting that, seeing as it's Astrid, I was expecting a punch or a slap as a reply. I am kinda glad that she left as Snotlout was getting on my nerves. Any moment now and I would have killed him myself...

I still can't stop thinking about Astrid though. All I wanted her to know is that whatever happens. I will never stop loving her. But it seems like that conversation won't be coming any time soon. And seeing as I only have 5 days left... I hope she makes up her mind quick...


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