Broad, projecting nose

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The angle of the Neanderthal nose bone projected out with a wide opening, making it a large and prominent facial feature that we still see in some modern humans of today.

This feature has been inherited by modern humans in the Neanderthal hotspots of Southern Europe, the Near East, and by native North Americans whose genetic source has been traced to the Altai mountains of East/Central Asia.

This geological pattern follows the pattern we see in the people who had elongated skulls amongst the ancient royal elite. Although a broad, projecting nose was not used by ancient cultures to describe their Gods and the ruling classes physical looks I do believe there is a connection.

The Jewish nose is a racial stereotype that refers to a hooked nose with a convex nasal bridge and a downward turn of the tip of the nose that is clearly inherited from the Neanderthals.

It has been found that this nose type is equally as common among Jews as it is in the general population within European people and Native Americans.

However, the representation of the Jewish nose has been used to physical describe Jewish people for thousands of years.

Because of this many Jewish people have adopted this belief to identify their racial group, that in return connects them to the Eurasian racial groups who are of Neanderthal heritage.

Ancient Jewish people were very similar to ancient royal families, their religion was not for outsiders and was strongly protected from becoming diluted. It was a way to identify their heritage and bloodline that was also not meant to be mixed with outsiders or other racial groups.

The royal elite for thousands of years have strongly tried to protect their bloodline from becoming diluted. This is a tradition that still lives on among royal families and Jewish communities of today.

I believe this practice could have come from a time when humanity seen the dilution and ultimately the extinction of the Neanderthals through interbreeding with other species of humans and have been documented within religions of today.

Judaism's texts, traditions and values strongly influenced later Abrahamic religions, including Christianity, Islam, the Baha'i Faith and many more. It is one of the oldest known religions from ancient times that survived and still lives on today.

Judaism is intimately connected to the ancient world and the royal elite, the Jewish people don't claim to be descendants of Gods like ancient royal families had claimed. Instead Jewish people claim to be the descendants of the chosen ones "the people of God".

However, their is a similarity between these two beliefs and I believe they are connected and could have possible originated from a real event that took place over 10 thousand years ago or more.

We now have enough evidence to prove that the flood stories were real and that the flood took place over 10 thousand years ago.

This means the story of Noah's ark is a story that's been passed down for over 10 thousand years indicating that the Jewish religion formed its beliefs around the same time or even before the floods.

I believe the Jewish people were tasked with the responsibility of documenting our history. In order to remember they transformed the history of man into their religion.

The Jewish religion contains tales of our past, but over time the stories have become misunderstood. These are stories laced with the truth that connects us to our ancient past and heritage.

Let's imagine the story of gods or angels interbreeding with mankind giving rise to an offspring of giants.

What if the word God or angel was a word used to describe Neanderthals who were a superior race of human compared to Homo Sapiens?

The tallest people in the world live in the northern parts of Europe and also have the highest amounts of Neanderthal DNA.

Cro Magnon Man was the tallest Homo Sapiens to have evolved and reached heights up to 6 foot tall 30-40 thousand years ago. Someone 6 foot tall was considered a giant 5 thousand years ago let alone 40 thousand years ago.

Cro Magnon Man was a hybrid child from two separate species of humans who grew into giants. So maybe the biblical giants was another way to describe the early modern day Europeans.

Simply put I'm suggesting, just like The word "mankind" has been used to describe Homo Sapiens, the word "god or angel" maybe was used to describe Neanderthals and the word "giants" possibly could have been used to describe and explain the evolution of Cro Magnon Man.

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