Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Matt's POV

What is she doesn't want to see me? What if she forgot about me? What if she has a boyfriend? Not that we were ever together but I've had a crush on her since middle school and I'm planning on asking her out while I'm here visiting.

All of these thoughts were racing through my head as I drove to Lacey's house for the first time in several months. I had to beg the Magcon managers to let me take a week off tour to visit home. I've been really homesick lately and all I could think about was Lacey, my best friend since preschool. When I first left on tour I would text and FaceTime her everyday, over time we talked less and less until we didn't talk at all. Even though we didn't talk I thought about her all day everyday, sometimes the other guys on tour with me would catch my lost in thought because I was thinking about her. So I decided to visit my family and friends for a week before I went on tour again. I just got out of the airport and the first place I'm going is Lacey's house to surprise her, hopefully she'll be happy to see me.

Once I pull into her driveway I sit in my car for a couple minutes thinking about what to do and say, making sure it's perfect. Then, when I think I'm ready I get out of the car and knock on the door.

"Matt? I thought you were on tour?" questioned Austin, Lacey's older brother, who is...was... like my brother too.

"I decided to visit home for a little while. Is Lacey home?" I said.

"Yea she's in her room. One sec." he said and closed the door. As I waited for Lacey I started to get really nervous. Me hands started sweating, I forgot what I was going to say and I almost walked to my car and drove to my house. Then the door opened and I saw a beautiful girl with dark brown hair and clear blue eyes, Lacey.


Hey guys it's Tori! I hope you liked this chapter of Hidden Love where I introduced Matt. The next chapter is going to be about Matt showing up at Lacey's house and her reaction. Sorry it was a short chapter, the next one will be longer. Comment what you think so far and vote! Enjoy!

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