This Is Who I Have Become

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"Don't you dare come any closer!" Screaming, the hot tears boil from my eyes. Holding the loaded and set gun pointed at my head. Standing on the Brooklyn Bridge the police have escorted everyone from the bridge and are standing all the way at the other end of the bridge with their hands up in surrender. I knew this day was going to come and I am glad I picked it fast.

"Come on lets just talk about this! Don't do this you have a life ahead of you, family who love you!" One police woman calls to me, my attention is directed towards her. Snickering at her remark.

"Really? A family who loves me? They beat me almost till I died! Every single one of them, so I am going to give them the satisfaction of being dead." Staring at all the police officers frantic faces my shaky finger pulls the trigger. The loud bang gives me instant death.

This room is hot and loud with the screams of the damned. Chained in the star position I begin to panic searching all around me trying to get free. This is not what I wanted. Training my eyes on an unchained man only inches from my face smiling. His teething are yellow, sharp, and rotting, his smile is revolting. Burns cover his face, neck, and arms making him look all the more ugly. I watch him warily as he begins to circle me like I am his prey. "Welcome weakling. You are far too precious to be here darling. What brings you here?" His finger trails my face and neck continuing to circle me, my body tenses or whatever is left of it. "Suicide?" He chuckles before quickly darting back in front of me. His voice sounds like he swallowed glass shards. "You don't deserve to be here, so you my pretty get to be set free." Without a warning or comprehension of his words his teeth elongate before slamming his jaws down into the flesh of my neck. The searing acidic pain shoots through my body making me scream out but suddenly disappearing from hell.


Sensing my surroundings around me without opening my eyes I know exactly where I am...the morgue. But how am I alive? The metal examining tray under me seems to be warmer than my actual body. But I smell something so radiant and so delicious. The hazel, cinnamon, and oily mixture, but if we are in a morgue there is only one thing that could be...Blood. My eyes shoot open not being greeted by any light in an instant I am over to the empty clean sink in an instant.

Eyeing it confused, isn't there supposed to be blood in here? But its so clean! Frustrated my hands ram down hard on the steel sink with a loud bang, then crash the sink bangs to the ground with dents where my hands went. My stomach grumbles, twists, and turns making the pain of hunger almost unbearable. Looking around the morgue my eyes seem to be temperature sensitive, seeing the left over blood and heat left in a male's body darting with no warning my teeth sink into his neck feeling the left over blood and heat seep into my mouth flowing down my throat so gracefully, like hot chocolate.

Seeming to never stop the door to the morgue opens revealing the doctor, not seeing me I quickly rush into further darkness. My stomach grows more anxious to eat, or more like drink his blood. What have I become? A vampire from TV shows and movies? I didnt know these things exist? Hearing the loud foot steps nearing me the thumping of his heart and the blood flowing to all parts of his body makes me pounce, he doesn't get a chance to even scream or make a sound, the only sound I hear is all his blood flowing his veins all the way into my mouth giving me more energy.

Drinking dry I step away feeling shocked and horrified, my body is shaking but yet its shaking with adrenaline. Stepping away from what was once a middle aged man to now a raisin I watch his dead body. He shrunk, his flesh is pale and wrinkly clinging to his bones. His hair is now greyed and white, looking back to the dead man I drank from first his flesh is actually more darker. Stepping near him I touch his skin and its the same temperature as mine. He actually looks very healthy and young, he looks my age actually, maybe younger? Touching the place where his heart used to be I feel a slight thump against my hand before his eyes dart open his hand gripping my wrist, he darts to a sitting position hissing to me showing his teeth, but once he realizes he stops. Why did he change instead of the raised man?

But I don't feel threatened by him, more comforted, showing him a small smile he just eyes me warily before releasing his grip on my wrist to investigate my body, when I saw him before I drank from him he had no hair on his head, but now he has a full head of hair but its the most beautiful color blonde. His eyes look back up to me and they are such a beautiful color blue, a sea blue almost, or an icy blue. "Hi my name is...Sloan." Giving myself a new name, I am a new person, I deserve a new identity. He eyes me warily before something clicks in him, he forms a smile on his face.

"I'm Duncan. What happened to me? How am I even alive?"

"First things first, you should probably change your name, because I did. We cant be recognized anymore." He now looks so confused before he starts to ponder.

"What do you think my name should be?" He asks, but now looking at him more he actually looks more older, like his early twenties? Eyeing him again he sits up straight I had a favorite TV show, what was it called? Supernatural?

" look like a Dean. Now come on before someone notices he is gone." Pulling him off of the table I look at both of us, we both have hospital gowns on...this just became more complex. Looking around at the dead bodies none of them have regular clothing. Except for the doctor, stripping him of his clothes I hand them to Dean.

"But how am I alive? I died of Cancer?" If I had a steady beating heart I am pretty sure it just stopped.

"You had cancer? But you look to well to have had it?" He shakes his head looking back to his body.

"I don't know, I had a bunch of bruises though, no hair. I looked so sickly, now I look more than healthy and I have hair! What ever I became I am glad I am...I am so happy to have hair again."

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