Supernatural Species

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"Are you sure your okay?" He asks, I nod getting out of the comfort of my bed and slipping back my clothes on.

"Yeah...just memories why do you ask?"

"Well because you were whimpering and crying." Quickly tracing my fingers across my moist cheeks I bring them back to see the blood tears.

"I'm okay really. So what are we going to do now?"

"I don't know, I was expecting life as a vampire to be cool and adventurous but so far it's pretty lame."

"Well I don't know what to do for you, were in the same boat." Shrugging I pull my hair up and make my way downstairs to find an adventure. Walking into the kitchen I see Dean and Addie at the table coloring and doing school work. Walking to the fridge they stop and stare at me.

"Addie hunny go up to your room for a moment okay?" Addie nods quickly leaving, I grab a coke and close the fridge leaning up against the counter.

"What?" I ask taking a drink of my fizzy drink, it's not as good as I remember.

"Why are you acting like this?" He asks cleaning up the table of her things.

"I'm not acting like anything at all, I'm acting how I am."

"When we met you were not like this."

"People change then you should do the same."

"No I shouldnt, you and I have a daughter who needs us."

"She isn't ours! She was dieing and I simply saved her.Ugh! Dean give it up already that life wasn't real!"

"Yes it was!" He shouts throwing the things on the ground.

"Just shut up!" I scream, he comes up to me gripping my arms before pulling me to his lips harshly. I am too shocked to move before I shove him off harshly. "What the heck!" I scream, storming over to the balcony I slip off takings a nice and long walk into the deep and dark woods. Without a warning my surroundings change along with the sounds, screams of the damned and tortured. Looking around and feeling the heat the moment I look up I see Satan. Screaming with fear he only chuckles circling me again. "I need answers!" I stomp with pure anger and hatred.

"Of course you do, here's the thing your the person who chooses who you believe, the family, or Eli." He says grabbing my butt, I whip away feeling the heat in his hand I hiss loudly.

"Well who is right!"

"You choose really, who ever you choose you have a past life with ten that comes true. Either way you end up with a past life that ends up brutal."

"Why do I have the past lives anyways?"

"It's a glimpse into which life you want to choose, here is a glimpse of you and Eli if you were to happen."


"I am sorry Mr. and Mrs. Carson, you may never be able to have children, your eggs are not fertile enough and with your extreme irregular cycle it's just too unlikely." The doctor says to us, hearing those words I feel like my throat was ripped from my chest. Sobbing I turn into Eli's chest heart broken. "There is always adoption?" He suggests, I shake my head before he sends his apologies and leaves the room. Eli wraps his arms around me tightly and joins in the sorrow.


"Sloan, we will have a baby, there are miracles we just need to keep trying." Eli comes near me, loading the fun I turn around with gun pointed to my head.

"I'm done, I have no use." The bang of the gun shot comes snapping me back to reality.


"Well that was fast." I mutter turning back to Satan.

"You two were married for seven years."

"How could I have been married for seven years if I'm 17?"

"Once you choose that life you grow older to match that age. So here you are about twenty four. With Dean your 23."

"What? So I will have had Addie now?"

"Yeah a little love thing went on when you two were younger. But once you choose life replaces itself with these new memmories. You will have never been beaten by your parents."

"I just don't know who to choose."

"Do you want children? I life with little people bringing you down at how slowly they get out if the car, or finish their food? They are so needy! Or a life with no children but you and your spouse all together just the vampire life still. You'll never die. Obviously. Anyway the choice is yours, but you don't have forever."

"Why did you have to do this? It's so complicated!"

"Like you said a life of adventure you got it. Also I made werewolves so yeah you are all enimies see you later!" With the snap of his bony fingers I am back in the woods, laying on the ground and it's now pitch black. Looking around I see nothing but I can hear beating hearts, pumping viciously. Standing up I can hear a stronger beat. Soon a giant wolf steps forwards, bigger than anything I've ever seen, as big as a semi at least. Soon it changes back into a human form, shredded work clothes.

"Vampire!" He hisses, with only one blink he had me bound and slams me to the ground with so much force I fall unconscious.

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