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Both of us smiling I quickly rush over to something reflective. The only things that are reflective are a bit of my hair, eyes, and hospital gown. My eyes are not blue they are an icy green greener than dogs eyes when they have them. And my hair is now auburn like I died it that color. I look so beautiful but I can see a new gleam in my eyes. it's not love, it's revenge, I want to taste my family's blood on my tongue. I want to make them scream and kill them and make sure they never come back. Feeling his icy hand on my shoulder I quickly turn around greeting him. He looks very proper in his suite and tie. Smiling to him a devious smile, I have a brilliant plan.

"I have a plan to get us out of here." only one of his brows shoots up in a devious smile, we are going to be great friends I know it. "Your going to hold me, if people stop to ask you if you need help just brush them off. Just say someone put me in the morgue by mistake okay? your ready?" without getting a confirmation I leap into his arms pretending to be dead or something. I only hear him scoff and listen to his heart beat only once per two minutes. peaking one eye open to see what's taking so long I can tell he is hiding his teeth. "Your hungry aren't you? I'm sorry I forgot." hopping down I think for a moment.

'Your the first ever vampire and he is your co- he can drink your blood.' Hearing the sound of Satans voice causes me to jump outwardly fearful. Looking up to Dean he's looking at me worriedly before shaking it off. Handing my wrist to him he just eyes it.

"Uh...what are you asking me to do?" His eyes turn a shade of blood red, as if it's filling up a glass of wine.

"Take some." Standing proud as if I know what I am doing he bends down slowly still looking into my eyes as if he is regretting it. He grips my wrist before plunging his teeth into my flesh. I don't know what is draining but I know something has. He now has become greedy making me feel weaker. "Hey stop...." Feeling faint he continues to drink making me crumple to my knees before he stops realizing he has made me weak. He drank all his own and that doctors blood. I don't know if I am going to be able to sustain myself. My stomach twinges with hunger all I want to do is sink my teeth into something.

"I am so sorry! I-I couldn't help myself." he pulls me into his arms ready for our plan, I guess if I need to play the part I really have to be the part. Laying limp in his arms he begins to walk, but a bit too fast.

"S-slow down." My stomach really hurts with hunger and I can smell the blood all the way in here. He slows his pace entering the hall where the other rooms for the morgue are. Its very creepy down here, even for me. Entering the elevator without any suspicious eyes or comments.

"You doing okay?" He asks, but really I should be the one asking.

"I can manage now, but I don't know until then?" The chime of the elevator to the first floor makes me slump back in position. The moment he walks out the pounding sound of everyone's heart beats at different paces make me panic, the overwhelming smell of all the blood, most of it smells like fried food from all the oil making me want to vomit, if I can.

"Is everything alright?" A frantic nurse asks Dean.

"Someone put her in the morgue by mistake. she is very much alive." He tries pushing past her but she gasps rushing over to her desk.

"Now is your chance." Whispering to him, I think I am going to explode, I am so hungry. In a flash we are out of the doors in the glaring heat, both of us hiss away to the shadows. Placing me on the ground he rubs his eyes frantically. Its worse out here thank it is in there, the smell is too much! "Are you okay?" I ask him rubbing my burning neck.

"Yeah, it's really bright." He chuckles turning back to me, his eyes are blood shot. My stomach growls even more feeling like a knife went through it.

"Why didn't you get burned?" I ask him confused, then suddenly the pain of my neck is gone.

"I don't know, but what are we? Vampires? They done exist!"

"Well they do now. I need food." Gasping the pain becomes worse. Clutching my stomach I scream while he pushes me farther in the alley.

"I will be right back!" In a flash he is gone, I have no clue where either but the pain is worse, I am too hungry. Darting to my feat as much as I can the sound of voices screeches through my mind, their hearts best loudly. My stomach flips with joy, my mouth is watering and my fangs slip out showing them. Feeling my body shake with adrenaline the two men come into view clearly drunk, I don't know how that's going to affect me. Hiding my teeth I walk over to them smiling. Once they see me they clearly have got on the bandwagon. Laughing I show my fangs and they don't seem to notice, easy for me. Pouncing on one I grab the others throat tightly so he doesn't scream nor run away. Feeling the nice warm blood trickle down my throat only makes me want more. He finishes thrashing and I begin to only suck on air. Still feeling famished I grab the other struggling man smiling before digging in.

This tastes so great, with the hint of tequila and beer. He grips my gown trying to make me stop but nothing is stopping me. feeling him stop moving all together I start sucking him dry. "Sloan!" Dean shouts to me, feeling the blood lust still I glare at him covering the bodies I have killed. They both look like prunes. "What did you do?"

"Like you have any control!"

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